Caroline Fenske

Wissenschaftlerin (Gast)
Caroline Fenske
Haus A 27, Raum 101 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

I am an early stage researcher (PhD) working on the geomorphological modelling of weathering the regolith formation with Jean Braun. I am mostly concentrating on the formation of iron duricrusts and my goal is to create a model using Braun et al. 2016 regolith formation model for duricrust formation in 1D and then in 2D.

ESR15 Fellow within the S2S-Future Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ITN. (

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

Geomorphology, geochemistry, numerical modelling, tectonics, (paleo)climate...


During my master studies I did 2 internships of 3 and 6 months which provided me professional experience working with other scientists in different environments. In 2019 I was part of an international team working for Total on mud volcanoes, during which we went on a field trip to Azerbaijan for 3 weeks. Then, in 2020 during the pandemic I was able to work in Toulouse with the magnetism section at the Geosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET). I analysed dikes dated from the Neoproterozoic from Oman and Jordan.

January 2020 - June 2020: Magnetic recording in Neoproterozoic dikes of the Arabo-Nubian Shield: Contribution to paleointensities of the magnetic field and geodynamics. 

Mid-April 2019 - July 2019: Assistance for an international project about mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan - Total, Pau and GET Toulouse, France; Field trip in Azerbaijan.

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2018 – 2020 : Master Terre et Géoressources (Master in Geowissenschaften und Georessourcen), Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier – Frankreich

2017 – 2018 : Erasmus Jahr, Bachelor in Geowissenschaften, Univerzita Karlova, Prag – Tschechische Republik 

2015 – 2018: Licence en Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement (Bachelor in Geo- und Umwelt- Wissenschaften), Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier – Frankreich


My PhD started in November as a part of the S2S Future ITN. I will do my best to provide my fellow researchers from the ITN with numerical tools and knowledge to better understand weathering processes and regolith formation for the evolution of landscapes.  For this, my goal will be to create 2D/3D regolith formation/evolution and duricrust formation models including data from the other ITN participants.

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