3dcfd – 3D city flood damage module

Funded by Climate-KIC as a Pathfinder project (July 2015 – December 2016) Climate change manifests in terms of changing frequency and magnitude of extreme hydro-meteorological events and thus drives changes in urban flood hazard. Flood risk oriented urban planning is key to derive smart adaptation strategies, strengthen resilience and achieve sustainable development. 3D city models offer detailed spatial information which is useful to describe the exposure and to characterize the susceptibility of buildings at risk.

In cooperation with virtualcitySYSTEMS [www.virtualcitysystems.de], GFZ has looked into the potential of using this open and standardised data sources for flood loss modelling Further, the potential of 3D city database systems to store data, embed flood loss modelling as a functional extension for risk assessment, and visualize results has been investigated.

publication :

Schröter, K., Lüdtke, S., Redweik, R., Meier, J., Bochow, M., Ross, L., Nagel, C., Kreibich, H. (2018): Flood loss estimation using 3D city models and remote sensing data. - Environmental Modelling and Software, 105, pp. 118-131. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.03.032

A prototype has been developed for the demonstration in the city of Dresden [http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/3dcfd/]

Schröter, K., Redweik, R., Lüdtke, S., Meier, J., Bochow, M., Kreibich, H., Ross, L. and Nagel, C.: 3D-ctiy Flood Damage Module prototype implementation, , doi:10.5880/GFZ.5.4.2017.001, 2017.

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