Ionospheric Weather Expert Service Centre - development and operational activities | I-ESC
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The overall objective of the work is to ensure operational and development activities within the Ionospheric Weather Expert Service Centre (I-ESC) of ESA's Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Space Weather (SWE) network.
Developed ESC domains are supported by the SWE Data Centre, which provides reliable access to a range of key space weather datasets, provision for data archiving and hosting of some applications. The services are further provided via the SWE web portal.
The main interface with the Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC) is represented by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), being the Coordinating Expert Group of I-ESC. Within this project GFZ is responsible for the following activities:
- Service provision for the following Swarm Utilisation Analysis (SUA) products: I.128 ROT, I.129 TEC, I.130 Ne and I.131 IBI
- SUA I-ESC service provision
- SUA I-ESC KPI and SLA reporting
- SUA I-ESC second level support
- Implementation of new SSO interface
- Contributions to ionospheric disturbance indices development
- Support SUA I-ESC Ionospheric Bubble Index product (I.131 IBI)
- Participation in discussion meetings and execution of tasks established in the test plan
- Provision of test results related documentation
- Rate Of change of TEC Index (ROTI) cross-validation campaign
- Preparation of a cross-validation test plan for all ROTI products in I-ESC
- Execution of ROTI validation
- Participation in inter-ESC validation workshop
Since June 2017
The European Space Agency (ESA) through the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)
- Dr. Guram Kervalishvili (GFZ team leader)
- Jan Rauberg (GFZ)
- Dr. Jürgen Matzka (GFZ)
- German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany (ESC Coordinator)
- Contributors