The head of the ‘Geochemistry of nuclear waste disposal’ working group presented her research about Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay, with impact for radioactive waste confinement.
„The destruction caused by the fires is unbelievable. Our thoughts are with the people on the ground and we feel and fear with them,“ says Susanne Buiter, Scientific Director of the GFZ.
The example of North America shows: For up to five decades, the changed height and tree canopy structure influences the heat exchange between forests and the atmosphere.
As of 1 January 2025, the former “Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences” is known as “GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences”.
Thanks to the GITEWS (now InaTEWS) early warning system developed under the lead of the GFZ from 2005 to 2008, it is not only the Indian Ocean that is better prepared for such natural hazards today.
The GFZ was the main scientific partner. GFZ researchers Lioba Virchow and Mikhail Tsypin won the poster competition for young scientists, Johannes Hart reached the final.
35 of 197 coastal structures examined on the barrier islands off Miami sank by up to eight centimetres in 2016-2023 – presumably due to the compaction of sand layers in the underground.
The Nepalese Foreign Minister Dr Arzu Rana Deuba visited the GFZ. In focus: cooperation on an innovative early warning system for natural disasters such as glacier and landslides.
It provides important information for the construction of Berlin's largest heat storage facility in Adlershof. The aim is to store heat from renewable sources underground in summer for use in winter.
The GFZ mourns the loss of Achim Ohlert (née Morschhauser). The colleague from Section 2.3 ‘Geomagnetism’ died on 9 November 2024 at the age of 41 after a long illness.
The aim of her ERC Consolidator Grant project EXCURSION: The first data-based model of the Earth's magnetic field over the last 780,000 years, focussing on periods of magnetic weakness.
The former post-doc from the ‘Earthquake Hazards and Dynamic Risks’ section will investigate the complex dynamics of the growing risk of landslides, particularly for tropical cities.
The long-term goal is an early warning system for all natural hazards and all the people on earth. Interview with Abror Gafurov on the occasion of the COP29 in Baku.
She was awarded the International Hydrology Prize by the IAHS, UNESCO and WMO for her work on analysing and managing flood risks at a conference in Brazil.
The IHK Potsdam honoured the most successful trainees of the year. Noah Schmidt completed his apprenticeship as an electronics technician at GFZ with an outstanding exam. Congratulations & interview
‘We need to focus more on land use change,’ says Prof Martin Herold in an interview on the occasion of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP29 in Baku
The committee advises the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI. It aims to optimise the indexing, storage and access to the increasing amount of research data.
New genetic methods can differentiate between the DNA of living and dead microorganisms. This enables deciphering the diversity of life and its processes under extreme conditions.
In the EU project GERACLE, an international team coordinated by the GFZ will investigate consequences of polarity reversals in the Earth's magnetic field. 3.3 of 10 mio euros will go to the GFZ.
In October 1994, the drilling for the deepest hole in Germany reached its final depth of more than 9 kilometres. A ceremony with an open day was held on site in Windischeschenbach (Bavaria).
Twitch streamer Sofia Kats & Felix Pohl from the UFZ reported live in a new format of science communication - about drones & satellites, mountain formation & earthquakes. Watch the video here.
A review in questions and answers by experts from the Helmholtz Research Field “Earth and Environment”: GFZ, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT
In an interview, GFZ Scientific Director Susanne Buiter and Wolfgang zu Castell, Department Director Geoinformation, explain the background to the ‘Declaration on Research Assessment’ (DORA).
The birthday of the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences – a joint foundation of the GFZ and the government of Kyrgyzstan – was celebrated with a congress in Bishkek.
The GFZ awards its highest honour to geophysicist and drilling expert from Stanford University, USA
Prof Dr Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Director of Department 4 ‘Geosystems’, takes over the Chair of ‘Sedimentary Basins and Georesources’ in a joint appointment with the GFZ.
The German Quaternary Association honoured the former head of the GFZ section ‘Climate Dynamics and Landscape Development’ for his outstanding scientific achievements in Quaternary research.
Sustainable procurement for the RIM2D flood forecasting model wins an award: Computing power can either be driven for economy or speed
In his 6 months’ stay in section 4.7 Earth Surface Process Modelling with Prof Jean Braun, the Earth Scientist from Colorado State University will address how climate affects landscape evolution.
The head of GFZ’s “Projects & International Affairs” has been elected on the 37th World Congress of the “International Union of Geological Sciences” (IUGS) in South Korea by the General Assembly.
On the day of bulding culture, join our guided tours at GeoBioLab: How to investigate microbial processes underground? How can computer power heat laboratories? How does sustainable building work?
The GFZ Friends Award honours Smirnov's dissertation on the dynamics of near-Earth space, completed in GFZ section ‘Space Physics and Space Weather’, as the best doctoral thesis of 2023.
Saturday, 9/14 | 17:30 | Public lecture by GFZ researcher Liane G. Benning at GDNÄ meeting: What algae have to do with the ice melt on Greenland
With the prestigious EU funding of 1.5 million euros, he will conduct research into past ecosystems and the development of the carbon cycle and complex life in the GFZ section “Organic Geochemistry”.
The Head of the Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry Section has been awarded by the European Association of Geochemistry and will give lectures in Eastern Europe on Cu and Zn deposit formation.
Kanat Bozumbayev and his delegation met with the Scientific Director and other experts at the GFZ to discuss natural hazards and options for protecting the population.
Data assimilation, a principle known from weather forecasting, can – based on satellite data – significantly improve the prediction of particle dynamics in the electron ring current around the Earth
Borehole-based station at the Sea of Marmara will record an entire range of deformation processes, from slow aseismic creep to classic earthquakes as well as pore fluid pressure data.
Seismologists measure tremors up to 5000 km away for weeks.
As part of an ideas competition, five technology transfer projects and three knowledge transfer projects have been selected for funding.
Why are the tectonically stable core areas of the continents gradually rising? How do some of the most distinctive landforms on our planet form?
The Minister presented the two GFZ board members with a plaque bearing the silver certificate for sustainable building. The GeoBioLab was honoured for its innovative energy concept.
From 22 to 24 October, the industry's largest event will take place in Potsdam for the first time. The GFZ will be the scientific partner of the organising Bundesverband Geothermie e.V.
The Head of ‘Operational Management’ at the GFZ is a member of the newly founded Brandenburg Scientific Climate Council, which advises the state on how to achieve its climate targets.
Using simulation and AI, it was possible for the first time to break down the mass change responsible for polar movement into individual components – including the melting of large ice masses.
The new TrueTriax high-pressure testing system can simulate a wide range of processes on rock samples down to 10 km depth. This provides important data for geoenergy research & applications.
Sediment cores off the Nile mouth reveal insights into effects and causes of heavy rainfall episodes about 9,000 years ago. That will help to prepare for weather extremes in a changing climate.
The PhD student in the ‘Geoenergy’ section is being honoured by the umbrella organisation for geosciences. In addition to her hydrogeological research, she is also involved in the ‘Young FH-DGGV’.
Q & A on extreme water events in Germany from GFZ and UFZ experts
This year's Doctoral Student Days took place on 17 and 18 June under the motto "Harvesting Knowledge, Thriving together!"
Heidi Kreibich wird für ihre herausragenden Beiträge zu Hochwasserrisiken im November mit der Volker Medaille des Internationalen Hydrologiepreises der IAHS ausgezeichnet.
President Ram Chandra Paudel and his delegation informed themselves about current and possible future cooperations between Nepal and the GFZ against the background of increasing climate change.
German-American space dialogue underlines the importance of the “spirit level in space”. The third generation of the satellite duo is currently being planned.
Anthony Eliot Striker and Tina Thao-Nhi Schatz impressed the jury in the ‘Biology’ category with their project on a microbial fuel cell, carried out in Jens Kallmeyer's working group.
The head of the space weather activities of the Geomagnetism Section has taken over the office for the Solar-Terrestrial Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
The first discovery of CI Tephra in the Dead Sea provides insights into the timing of the climate shift across the Mediterranean ~40,000 years ago
Land uplifts at subduction zones are the result of thousands of small quakes. This makes it possible to estimate the size of locked plate areas and the location and strength of future large quakes.
Rising sea levels increase the pressure on tectonic faults and lead to changes in their seismic cycles – leading to an increasing number of earthquakes particularly in the world's coastal regions.
GFZ celebrates the anniversary and the start of the renovation of the Helmert Tower
State Secretary Dünow from the MWFK congratulates: “The GFZ provides forward-looking impetus for international geological, environmental and climate research”
The objective of Academia Europaea is to encourage the advancement of excellent scientific achievements.
Whether as copters or gliders, with laser, radar or hyperspectral sensors - drones provide important services for monitoring forests or peatlands, analyzing volcanoes, minerals & more.
On the occasion of the German Embassy's festival, Executive Director Susanne Buiter and Ludwig Stroink, Head of Projects & International Affairs, established further valuable contacts in Estonia.
The GFZ Geoenergy Section made many contributions to the recent Berlin Energy Days
Combining various forecasting models enables more precise forecasting of flood impacts – with water levels and dynamic, high-resolution flood maps.
Analysis of satellite data shows that large parts of the country are affected by ground subsidence.
On 4 May, the event took place for the first time on the Telegrafenberg. The varied programme invited visitors to engage in lively discussions about current research and to experiment for themselves.
Achim Brauer, the former head of the GFZ section Climate Dynamics and Landscape Development, was given a retirement farewell at a colloquium of the European research network INTIMATE.
Organised by the GFZ's School Lab, 50 young pupils got to know the wide variety of job opportunities at the GFZ – in science and laboratories, as technicians or administrative staff.
Charlotte Krawczyk has been Director of Department 2 “Geophysics” again since 1 April. Michael Kühn took over as Head of Department 3 “Geochemistry” on 1 March.
The delegation from the African country met with GFZ representatives to discuss possible cooperation, e.g. in geothermal energy and raw materials, climate change and the risk of natural hazards.
Thanks to novel molecular DNA analysis, viable microbes have been detected down to depths of 4.2 metres – with implications also for the search for extraterrestrial life.
The Helmholtz Association is investing 23 mio euros in four pilot projects and the infrastructure to research a new generation of basic AI models. GFZ participates in project on carbon budget.
In these Italian mountains, CO2 emissions from deep rock are more important than the CO2 balance of weathering on the surface – at least where Earth's crust is thin and the heat flow is high
The first high-precision image of a seismic fault zone changes our understanding of earthquakes
A recently installed monitoring network of seismic sensors in boreholes recorded thousands of earthquake signals – a unique data set for researching the cause of swarm earthquakes.
Two new GFZ Discovery Fellowships awarded: René Steinmann is researching ground vibrations in connection with animal movements and Jana Täumer is researching methane sinks in Germany.
Experiments at a wind farm in Nauen near Berlin show that man-made buildings have a similar effect to a metamaterial and modify seismic waves.
The region around the city of Hualien on the east coast of Taiwan has been shaken by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4. The media report 9 dead and hundreds injured.
Mrityunjay Singh and Ingo Sass were honored for their outstanding publication on the optimal planning of geothermal systems.
Jürgen Matzka, working group leader in the Geomagnetism Section, is new Chair of the Operations Committee and member of the Executive Council of the global network of geomagnetic field observatories.
Hypothetical but not improbable flood scenarios are intended to motivate people and decision-makers in at-risk regions to better prepare for potential extreme events.
On 25 March, a shallow earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5 shook the district of Diepholz in Lower Saxony. The possible cause is natural gas extraction in the region.
The GFZ welcomes Dr. Sarwar Nizam, who is working as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at GFZ since March.
GRACE-FO data show: Slight recovery compared to drought years, but billions of tonnes of water still missing. New GFZ info portal for background, news & data of the GRACE-FO satellite mission.
The third-generation of the successful satellite duo will continue to measure the Earth's gravitational field and thus provide unique insights into the global water cycle.
Flank collapses on coastal areas and volcanoes can trigger so-called atypical tsunamis. Thanks to the "Tsunami_Risk" project, such hazards are taken into account in the Indonesian early warning system
A study in Science on the erosion dependence of the CO₂ balance during weathering showed that there is an erosion rate at which CO₂ storage through weathering is maximised.
She learned about topics such as geothermal energy, the geological storage of hydrogen, the GFZ satellite missions, earthquake risk, the use of data cables for seismics and the GFZ spin-off DiGOS.
This is shown by studies on fossil pollen, spores and geochemical data from fossilised soils. They also provide insights into future developments under extreme climatic conditions.
A scientific colloquium provided an opportunity to look back on a successful career and the development of geodesy - from the past to the future.
Ambassador Dr Imomudin Sattorov and his delegation learned about German-Tajik research projects and the GFZ's commitment in Central Asia and discussed the expansion of cooperation.
The ERC Consolidator Grant project “WIRE” will investigate the interaction of ultrafast electrons and plasma waves in the radiation belts around the Earth – also to protect satellites.
Study shows that the continuous discharge of industrial wastewater can trigger earthquakes in fault zones even after 10 years
With satellite data and machine learning methods, it is possible to identify and locate 15 forms of land use – from the cultivation of various crops to pastureland and mining.
Under the motto “Broadening Horizons”, the international scientists will spend three months at the GFZ – funded by the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Acade-my (HIDA).
Organised by the GFZ Section 4.4 “Hydrology”, the community met to discuss the quality and potential fields of application of the new type of device, which can now also be used outdoors.
A year ago, the Earth shook in the Turkish-Syrian border region. The high number of victims was not expected. Q&A and relevant studies.
Harald Schuh retired. Maik Thomas succeeds him as Director of Department 1, Jens Wickert as Head (interim) of Section 1.1. Henryk Dobslaw becomes Topic 2 Director of the GFZ-Research Programme.
Liane G. Benning, Head of GFZ Section Interface Geochemistry, will be a member of the Federal Government's highest advisory body on overarching scientific issues for three years from 1 February.
GFZ scientists presented their work on remote sensing technologies for digitalisation in crop production.
The analyses of the 2021 Iceland eruption shows: Machine learning and musicological methods can help to recognise precursors and phases of volcanic eruptions in seismic signals at an early stage
GreenGate Genomics offers bioinformatic solutions for complex microbiomes, fluxtec provieds high-resolution gas emission mapping and FOMON’s expertise is in structural monitoring with fibre optics.
The Supervisory Board of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) elected Jan S. Hesthaven as President and Stefan Schwartze as Vice President of KIT. Next step is confirmation by the KIT Senate.
Fault roughness and stress heterogeneity control induced seismicity. This is important for hydraulic stimulation in reservoirs.
Susanne Buiter is Vice President of the Helmholtz Association for the research field "Earth and Environment" for the next two years
GFZ hydrologists Bruno Merz and Sergiy Vorogushyn provide information on the causes and challenges of flood protection and risk management.
The European Geoscience Union honours Claudio Faccenna, Anne Glerum and Sarah Incel for their GFZ projects and their achievements in the geosciences.
On the basis of a superconducting gravimeter, the international research project aims to investigate the Alpine water balance with the Zugspitze as an example.
The head of Section 3.5 Interface Geochemistry was re-elected to the Review Board for Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. She is the only representative of the GFZ in these DFG boards.
Tree rings show record air dryness. This is shown by oxygen isotope analyses throughout Europe.
PD Dr. Wolfgang zu Castell was elected to the Administrative Committee of the German National Research and Education Network (DFN).
19.12.2023: Eruption with slow-flowing lava streams southwest of the Icelandic capital Reykjavík
Torsten Sachs, working group leader in GFZ Section 1.4 Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, is appointed professor at TU Braunschweig.
The report "State of Global Water Resources 2022" by the World Meteorological Organization WMO has recently been published. It contains important contributions from the GFZ.
The scientist form the section 4.4 hydrology at the German Research Centre for Geosciences was re-elected as President of the EGU Division on Natural Hazards for the coming 2025-2027 term of office.
42 kilometres: This is the average thickness of the Earth's continental crust, but why is that so? What does this mean for plate tectonics?
The guest researcher from Section 2.6 received the 20,000 euro award for his Nature publication on the risks of landslides due to climate change and urban sprawl. Call for 2024 started.
Leandra Weydt (r.) and Lena Muhl (l.), who are both conducting research as part of GFZ projects, were honoured at the German Geothermal Congress.
The demonstration mission is intended to show what this type of small satellite can do. GNSS reflectometry measurements can very accurately display sea, glacier ice and wave heights.
Olaf Scholz, as a member of the Bundestag, and Brandenburg's Science Minister Manja Schüle visited the GFZ, PIK and DiGOS to discuss geothermal energy, hydrogen storage and the energy transition.
Christopher Kyba's publication on light pollution is voted first place in the "Wissen der Vielen – Forschungspreis für Citizen Science" and receives prize money
Sascha Brune, Head of Section 2.5 Geodynamic Modelling, is appointed Professor of Tectonophysics at the University of Potsdam with effect from 01.12.2023.
Latest analyses of data from the region since 2014 show signs of precursor phenomena in the form of spatially and temporally clustered quake sequences in the 8 months before the quake
Eight partner institutions, including the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and the Fraunhofer IEG, conclude a cooperation agreement to promote a low-CO2 and import-independent energy supply.
Special fine structures were identified in thousands of tiny zircon crystals using transmission electron microscopy – as evidence in favour of the impact theory.
The ERC Consolidator Grant project “Glass2Melt” will investigate glasses and melts under high pressures and temperatures to create a model of Earth’s ancient magma ocean.
The satellite trio still provides high-quality data of the Earth's magnetic field – processed by the GFZ, among others, also for the prediction of space weather and auroras.
Sanja Panovska won the 1.500 euros EGU Outreach Prize 2023 to realize a booklet for kids with games and puzzles about different geoscience fields. In an interview she gives insights into the project.
The German Research Centre for Geosciences and the Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy are organising the Brandenburg Hydrogen Day for the first time today.
As part of the CAWa-Green project, the 6th edition of the “Tashkent Water Security Lectures” took place in Uzbekistan at the end of October – on the topic of water security in Central Asia
Large new international study combines satellite and ground data
The Autumn School will take place for the 21st time on 13 and 14 November - with over 70 participants. The title of this year's teacher training programme: "Africa - A continent in the focus of geosci
The GFZ is setting up a temporary seismic network in Ukraine. For this purpose, three special seismometers that can be used by laypersons have been installed in Ukraine. Twenty more are to follow.
One year of EnMAP @Work: the environmental satellite reliably delivers high-quality data. 430 participants from 20 countries, from research, companies and authorities met for the 1st user workshop.
The Minister of Research and the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Robbert Dijkgraaf and Ronald van Roeden, visited the GFZ for an exchange on talent development and diversity in science.
The Chilean Ambassador Magdalena Atria visited the GFZ to discuss German-Chilean projects with young scientists and to deepen cooperation.
Susanne Glaser has taken over the W3-Professorship “Space Geodetic Techniques” at the University of Bonn on 1 September 2023 and left the GFZ. She talks about her research in a recent DFG video.
Machine learning helps detect precursor phenomena of earthquakes: A new lab-study provides encouraging results for “time to quake” prediction.
Hydraulic stimulation in hot rock - Unique conditions for real-time monitoring of experiment at a depth of four kilometers
Genetic methods provide important basis for decoding the evolutionary history of life on Earth
Two of the highest EU research awards for the GFZ: With ERC-Synergy Grants, Thomas Walter (r.) will research internal “rotting” of volcanoes & Jens Kallmeyer (l.) metabolism of primordial microbes.
First analyses of satellite and GEOFON data give insights into the processes around the Herat fault, a region that is considered to be seismically rather inactive.
Prof. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg was given a ceremonial farewell into GFZ retirement with a colloquium. Prof. Dirk Scherler (interim) will take over the leadership of the section 3.3.
Marie Bonitz, research associate in section 3.4 Fluid System Modelling, was awarded the poster prize (1st place) at this year's GeoBerlin.
Ebuka Canisius Nwosu was awarded the Friedrich Robert Helmert Prize of the GFZ Friends for the best doctoral thesis of the year 2022/23 for his doctorate in Section 3.7 “Geomicrobiology”.
The new issue of the GFZ journal "System Earth" shows some of the important contributions of the geosciences to the topic of water.
Dirk Sachse, who conducts research at the GFZ in Section 4.6 Geomorphology, has been appointed Professor of Organic Geochemistry of the Earth Surface System at the HU Berlin.
We welcomed eleven new faces to the German Research Centre for Geosciences on 1 September. The GFZ wishes all new arrivals a joyful start to this new phase of their lives!
Dr Joseph Magnall receives the Waldemar Lindgren Award for his publications on the formation processes of zinc deposits.
According to the global seismological network GEOFON of the GFZ, a severe earthquake of magnitude 6.9 occurred in the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco on 8.9.2023 (local time).
Counting lights for science: The research project Nachtlicht-BüHNE is looking for interested people to become Citizen Scientists in Sept & Oct to record the use of light in their surroundings via app
"Broadening horizons" is the motto of the exchange programmes of the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA). The Academy is now funding nine research stays with GFZ participation.
Scientific drilling as telescopes into the Earth's interior: ICDP conference with 130 participants from 27 countries at GFZ | New GFZ focus pages Scientific Drilling.
The simulations show how chemical groundwater quality in the Pra Basin develops. The approach can be transferred to other areas.
Distinct deformation pattern along the plate boundary below the Sea of Marmara: unique new insights into earthquake hazard and seismic risk for a megacity
Interview │Hydrologist Dr Poulomi Ganguli identifies flood hotspots in India and explores sequential natural hazards, especially extreme heatwaves and heavy rainfall events.
Researchers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland use stalagmites to document the significance of orbital insolation for abrupt changes in ice age climate.
In July 2023, Kai Deng started his Humboldt Research Fellowship for PostDocs in Section 3.3 Earth Surface Geochemistry, focussing on geological regulations of the Earth's climate. Welcome!
"Heat Flow Summer 2023": Sven Fuchs new Vice-Chair of the International Heat Flow Commission IHFC | New standard for heat flow data collection | Heat-Flow Summerschool at GFZ
Modeling suggests that volcanic eruptions of diamond-bearing rocks are caused by the breakup of Earth plates
Towards sustainable economic use of valuable rewetted peatland soils: Federal Minister Cem Özdemir presented the funding certificates for model projects in Brandenburg's peatland regions.
The renowned geochemist Xiao-Ming Liu is a guest in Section 3.3 Earth Surface Geochemistry for 2 months with the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Hayley Allison from section 2.7 Space Physics and Space Weather receives the prestigious Karl Scheel-Prize of the Berlin Physical Society for her work on radiation belt electrons.
IUGG General Assembly with record attendance: more than 4,700 geoscientists from all over the world in Berlin. GFZ alumna Mioara Mandea president from 2027, Alexander Rudloff remains Secretary General
The newly founded Geomagnetics Working Group of the German Geophysical Society (DGG), initiated by Norbert Nowaczyk, has met for the first time. An insight into the diverse topics.
On 12 and 13 July 2023, the International Training Course on Ocean Bottom Seismology with Amphibian Experiments took place at the GFZ – with 21 participants from ten countries.
The final symposium for the scientific decade "Panta Rhei - Change in Hydrology and Society" brought together 150 researchers and practitioners from 32 countries at the GFZ from 10-11 July.
The EU project SUBMERSE aims to use submarine cables of existing research data networks for novel research approaches - as DAS or SoP sensors to monitor earthquake zones, volcanoes or oceans.
Jannes Münchmeyer formerly Section 2.4 Seismology, now PostDoc at the Université Grenoble, received the Helmholtz Doctoral Award for his outstanding thesis on earthquake early warning. Interview.
Behind every climb, every descent, every stage of the Tour de France lies geology. Researchers from 25 scientific institutions worldwide blog about the geological features of each stage.
New study identifies shift to an El Niño-like phase between 1600 and 1900 A.D. by sediment analysis of a Philippine lake
New DFG project investigates marine terraces in earthquake-prone coastal regions. What influence do wave strength and tectonic deformation of the rock have on their formation?
In the City Cube of Messe Berlin, host GFZ welcomes ~5,000 participants from over 100 countries to one of the world's largest geoscientific conferences.
Theresa Hennig was awarded the “University Society Prize for the Outstanding PhD 2022” at the central graduation ceremony of the University of Potsdam.
Federal President Steinmeier informed himself about the research of the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences ZAIAG in cooperation with the GFZ in the Central Asian Tian Shan Mountains
The Uzbek Minister of Natural Resources, Aziz Abdukhakimov, visited the GFZ for exchange on scientific & technological cooperation in the fields of natural hazards, water management and climate change
Start of the UNESCO training course “Seismology and Seismic Hazard 2023”: For four weeks, 22 participants from 18 countries will be trained at the GFZ – incl. visiting the IUGG conference in Berlin.
Simulation study identifies previously unaccounted particle loss processes. Implications e.g. for satellite hazards, Earth magnetic field studies and atmosphere.
The geomagnetic storms in spring have shown how important the space weather service network is for digital infrastructures on Earth. The GFZ is making important contributions to these services.
On 14 June, the new Start-up and Innovation Floor GITA was officially inaugurated on Telegrafenberg – in the presence of the GFZ Board of Trustees and guests from the regional start-up ecosystem.
Political scientist Doris Fuchs will be the new Director at the Research Institute for Sustainability. She will form a dual leadership together with Mark Lawrence.
Come by! On June 17, 2023, the Long Night of the Sciences will take place on Potsdam's Telegrafenberg, among other places. The institutes AIP, AWI, GFZ and PIK located here cordially invite you.
Students from the Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium Babelsberg investigate the Heiliger See in Potsdam in cooperation with the GFZ and the SPSG.
Until now, certain biomarkers, the "protosteroids," have been overlooked as fossil witnesses to primordial life
Launch of the European TRANSGEO project: It investigates how abandoned wells from oil and gas production can be used for geothermal energy.
How do we deal with research data, how do we shape the next research period? The Scientific Council advises the Executive Board on matters of fundamental scientific importance.
Interview with Niels Hovius on the impending landslide in Brienz (Switzerland). The mountainside has been moving for a long time, the GFZ has been collecting data on site for years.
GFZ researchers, together with colleagues from Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, are investigating the health of trees from above crane in order to improve remote sensing.
Using submarine cables for telecommunications, researchers have been able to monitor low-frequency seismic events related to the awakening of Vulcano Island.
Dr. Minghui Xu receives an ERC starting grant to improve the measurements of Earth rotation and terrestrial reference frames.
The 21st Brandenburg Future Day is taking place today. The GFZ is also getting involved again and is participating under this year's motto "The Earth is our Laboratory".
Achim Brauer, head of the Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution Section, has been elected a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Christoph Keuschnig has been awarded a prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship to investigate the impact of fungal-bacterial interactions on soil structure formation.
The researcher Ankit Agarwal receives the Outstanding Early Career Scientific Award from the European Geosciences Union.
Donald B. Dingwell has been elected as a corresponding member of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias - in recognition of his contributions to volcano research in Mexico.
The "GeoBioLab" is awarded the Silver Certificate of the Rating System for Sustainable Building (BNB) - State Secretary Bösinger from the Federal Ministry of Building presented the certificate.
With the help of neural networks, the complexity of the layer around the Earth can be reconstructed much better than before. This is important for satellite navigation, among other things.
Kick-off of the GeoEnergy Alliance Berlin-Brandenburg GEB²: GFZ and 7 partners promote the use of sustainable geoenergy in the region – through research and demonstration projects and teaching.
Dr. Kirsten Elger was highlighted by the International GNSS Service (IGS) as one of four women in celebration of this year’s 'Women’s History Month'.
New administration and communication centre for the GFZ as successor building to A43: Award-winning architectural designs from the competition can now be seen in the Telegrafenberg Library.
This is shown by analysing data from the GRACE/GRACE-FO satellite missions. Depending on the evaluation method, the results vary considerably.
Happy Birthday, EnMAP! For 1 year now, the environmental satellite has been orbiting the Earth, delivering high-quality hyperspectral images and data on the condition of vegetation, soils and waters.
The physical processes within and on submerging oceanic plates are to be better understood, because they cause the largest earthquakes worldwide.
Three new spin-offs in 2022: The GFZ actively supports start-up activities
Dr. Tetiana Amashukeli received the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Fellowship to continue her work on the modernization of Ukraine’s seismic network.
Messages of affected people about the "felt intensity" of a quake can help in early disaster management after only 10 minutes.
Satellite time series and reanalysis climate data show how agricultural expansion and intensification are reducing water storage Iran-wide.
Shagun Garg was awarded for his outstanding presentation at the "Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing - Conference" (MIGARS 2023).
Jannes Münchmeyer has been awarded the Adlershof Dissertation Prize for his doctoral thesis on the topic of earthquake early warning.
Severe earthquake of magnitude 7.7 in the Gaziantep region in south-eastern Türkiye.
AI methods decipher possible harbingers of larger quakes in the Sea of Marmara off Istanbul
Sascha Brune receives Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council for his research project EMERGE "Measuring and Modelling Tectonic CO₂ Emissions Through Time".
This is shown for the first time by the examination of blue-green algae DNA on sediments from a lake in Mecklenburg.