Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups

With the Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups, the Helmholtz Association fosters the early academic independence of its young researchers and offers them secure career prospects. The programme is the only one of its kind in Germany and increases the appeal of the Helmholtz centres among aspiring scientists all over the world. The Young Investigator Groups play an important role in attracting new research talent to come and work in Germany.

Helmholtz Young Investigators at the GFZ


Advanced Reservoir Engineering Concepts (ARES)

Young Investigators Group Leader: Prof. Dr. Hannes Hofmann


The Color of the Earth's Mantle (CLEAR)

Young Investigators Group Leader: Dr. Sergey Lobanov


Continental Rift Dynamics Across the Scales (CRYSTALS)

Young Investigators Group Leader: Dr. Sascha Brune

Earth-Atmosphere Interactions (TEAM)

The Earth-Atmosphere Interactions Group has evolved from the Helmholtz Young Investigators Group TEAM: "Trace Gas Exchange in the Earth-Atmosphere System on Multiple Scales".

Young Investigator Group Leader: Prof. Torsten Sachs


Microbial Communities of the Terrestrial Subsurface: Functional Repertoire and Distribution Patterns in Pleistocene and Holocene Deposits (MicroCene)

Young Investigators Group Leader: Prof. Susanne Liebner


Seismic and Aseismic Deformation in the Brittle Crust: Implications for Anthropogenic and Natural Hazard (SAIDAN)

Young Investigators Group Leader: Dr. Patricia Martínez-Garzón

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