Heidi Kreibich, senior scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences, has been re-elected as President of the EGU's Division on Natural Hazards for the coming 2025-2027 term. The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space research in Europe. The activities of the EGU are organised into scientific-thematic departments, so-called "Divisions".
The Natural Hazard Division is one of the largest divisions of the EGU that has existed since the EGU was founded. Heidi Kreibich has been President of the Natural Hazards Division since April 2023.
With its annual General Assembly, the EGU organises the largest and most important event in the European geosciences. It brings together geoscientists from all over the world, far beyond Europe. It is a forum where scientists, especially young scientists, present their work and discuss their ideas with experts from all areas of the geosciences. The sessions of the meeting cover a wide range of topics, including hydrology and meteorology, remote sensing, natural hazards, geomorphology, tectonics and volcanology. The next EGU General Assembly will take place from 14-19 April 2024 in Vienna (and virtually).
The division presidents are responsible for the programme of their division in close cooperation with the conveners of the sessions. They support the EGU's public relations and educational activities and coordinate the content for the division's website, blog and other social media. The presidents are also actively involved in EGU publications. The EGU publishes a number of scientific journals in an innovative open access format. Heidi Kreibich is also editor of the EGU journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - NHESS.