Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice

"Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy science. It is a form of scientific self-commitment that encompasses the respectful treatment of each other, study participants, animals, cultural assets and the environment and strengthens and promotes society's indispensable trust in science." (Preamble DFG Code).

For the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences, the new Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice and their explanatory notes were developed on the basis of the DFG's Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice and the Helmholtz Association's framework guidelines derived from them and signed by the Executive Board in October 2023.

The GFZ Guidelines follow the high scientific and ethical standards and regulate the procedures in the event of scientific misconduct. They define how institutions, scientists and science-supporting staff are responsible for ensuring that the fundamental values and standards of scientific work are realised and establish good scientific practice as a binding component of research at the GFZ.

An elementary part of good scientific practice are the ombudspersons, who act as confidential contacts in matters of good scientific practice and suspected scientific misconduct.

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