Ankit Agarwal receives Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award

The researcher Ankit Agarwal receives the Outstanding Early Career Scientific Award from the European Geosciences Union.

Ankit Agarwal receives the Natural Hazards Division Outstanding Early Career Scientific Award from the EGU for his work in complexity science for better understanding, quantifying and predicting hydroclimatic extremes. With the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award, the EGU recognises the scientific achievements of young scientists.

Ankit Agarwal obtained his PhD in the NatRiskChange graduate school at Potsdam University in 2019 in cooperation with GFZ and PIK. Since October 2019 he has been an assistant professor at the Department of Hydrology, at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India and also affiliated with GFZ, section 4.4 Hydrology.

His scientific work concentrates on complexity science for better understanding, quantifying and predicting hydroclimatic extremes, related to natural hazards. Through merging nonlinear dynamics with hydrometeorology, Ankit Agarwal can better forecast climate-related extremes.

Topic 5: Landschaften der Zukunft


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