Dr. Joseph Magnall receives Waldemar Lindgren Award

Dr Joseph Magnall receives the Waldemar Lindgren Award for his publications on the formation processes of zinc deposits.

Dr Joseph Magnall, who conducts research in Section 3.1 "Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry" at the GFZ, was awarded the prestigious Waldemar Lindgren Award at the annual meeting of the "Society of Economic Geologists" in London in August 2023. The prize is offered annually to a young scientist whose published research (before age 35) represents an outstanding contribution to economic geology. The "Society of Economic Geologists" comprises about 6,000 members from industry, academia and public institutions from over 100 countries.

Dr. Magnall received the award due to his work on the genesis of Zn deposits in Proterozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary basins, in Canada and Australia, which included novel insights on fundamental processes particularly in quantifying the relationship of diagenetic and mineralizing processes. His ability to translate these processes into detectable outcomes which can be used by the mineral exploration industry was also commended.

Dr Magnall is currently involved in the EU Horizon project VECTOR for the GFZ. The project focuses on copper shale deposits in Germany and zinc deposits in the Irish Midlands. Joseph Magnall has been conducting postdoctoral research at the German Research Centre for Geosciences since 2015. He previously completed his doctorate in economic geology at the University of Alberta in Canada. He also holds a Master of Science in Geochemistry and a BSc in Environmental Geology from the University of Leeds (England).

Topic 8: Georessourcen│ GFZ

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