M. Sc. Tilman Lukas May

Tilman Lukas May
M. Sc. Tilman Lukas May
Haus C 4, Raum 1.09 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

  • Integration of existing 3D geological models of the different segments of the Andean region into a coherent 3D structural model
  • Numerical simulations of the thermal and rheological state at present-day conditions
  • Validation of the simulation results against available observations (e.g., from IPOC)

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2020-2023: MSc, Universität zu Kiel, Geophysik

2017-2020: BSc, Universität zu Kiel, Physik des Erdsystems

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