M. Sc. Nadja Veigel
C 4,
1.21 (Büro)
Wissenschaftliche Interessen:
Nadja is a early carreer researcher at the section Hydrology at GFZ, where she works in the MOSES project (Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems). She is interested in real-time quantification of flood impacts on built environment and societies and she works on data-driven approaches to quantify impacts with climate-driven flood hazard.Karriere:
2020 - current Researcher (MOSES Project), GFZ, Potsdam
2021 - 2024 PhD. Researcher (Helmholz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science), Technische Universität Berlin
2020 - 2021 Working student Fichtner Water & Transportation, Freiburg
2019 - 2020 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Freiburg
Werdegang / Ausbildung:
2018 - 2021 M.Sc. Hydrology, University of Freiburg
2013 - 2017 B.Sc. Geoecology, University of Potsdam