Dr. Lukasz Stachnik

Wissenschaftler (Gast)
Dr. Lukasz Stachnik
Haus C, Raum 127 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam


1-6/2015 Internship (Erasmus Practice, EU Human Capital Programme  at Jagiellonian University Society Environment Technologies) University of Glasgow, Scotland

2-5/2012 Internship (Erasmus Practice and interdisciplinary Ph.D. studies Society-Environment-Technologies) Sogn og Fjordane University College, Norway

8/2010–8/2011 Internship (EEA and Norway Grants), University of Oslo,  

  • Credited with PhD-level course GEO9900 Chemical processes in soils and groundwater (geochemistry, hydrogeology, transport of the water and pollutants in aquifer, basic modelling in PHREEQC software)

2-4/2011 University Centre in Svalbard, Norway

  • Credited with PhD-level course AG325 Glaciology with focus on: glacier dynamics, mass balance, glacier hydrology and drainage

3–5/2009 University Centre in Svalbard, Norway

  • Credited with PhD-level course: AG330 Permafrost and periglacial environments with following topics covered: periglacial processes, research methods used in permafrost regions

1/2007–6/2007 Internship (Erasmus Programme), University of Iceland

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

9/2008–1/2017  PhD in Earth Sciences (Geography) with distinction, The Jagiellonian University, Poland

  • Ph.D. title: "Chemical denudation processes in glacierised catchments: Obruchev Glacier (Polar Urals) and Werenskioldbreen (SW Svalbard)" (supervisors: Professor Kazimierz Krzemień, Professor Jacob C. Yde)

9/2005–6/2008 Master of Science in Geography: The Jagiellonian University

  • MSc thesis title: "Geochemical and physical denudation in Obruchev Glacier Catchment (Polar Ural)"

9/2003–9/2005 Bachelor of Science in Biology, The Jagiellonian University


Research projects conducted as Principal Investigator


2022 – 2025 “FLOURISH – Consequences of glacier changes on downstream nutrient supply and carbon metabolism” (899506 PLN, c.a. 200k EUR), funding body: National Science Centre in Poland

2018 – 2019 “FEDICOGLAC What is a role of glacier in high Arctic recession in transport of bioavailable iron yield to the ocean?” (25000 PLN, c.a. 5300 EUR), funding body: Institute of Geography and Regional Development University of Wroclaw

2013 – 2014 “Hydrochemistry and subglacial drainage pattern of the polythermal glacier Werenskioldbreen SW Svalbard” (51000 NOK or ca. 5000 EUR), funding body: Arctic Field Grant (Research Council of Norway)

2012 “Relationship between biogeochemical processes in polythermal glaciers based on hydrochemistry” (70000 NOK, c.a. 6800 EUR), funding body: Arctic Field Grant (Research Council of Norway)

2011 – 2013 “Complex model of chemical processes in High Arctic glacier” (95822 PLN, c.a. 20500 EUR), funding body: National Science Centre Poland

2010 – 2011 Model of chemical weathering in the High Arctic glacier (107555.24 PLN or c.a. 23000 EUR) funding body: European Economic Area and Norway Grants

2007 – 2008 “#1217 PUECH The Polar Urals Environmental Change after Last Ice Age”, IV International Polar Year (20000 PLN or ca. 6400$), funding body: Institute of Geography and Spatial Management Jagiellonian University

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