Dr. Julian Haas

C 4,
2.22 (Büro)
Funktion und Aufgaben:
- Project manager and scientist in the Helmholtz-IVF-funded science transfer and validation project "RIM2D".
- Project manager and scientist in the project "Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)" based at section "Hydrology" (4.4.).
Wissenschaftliche Interessen:
- Computer modeling of environmental fluxes
- Model development (e.g. in R and Python)
- Big Data Analyses
- Satellite gravimetry
- Science communication
- Since 2020: Project manager and scientist at GFZ.
- 2010-2018: PhD-student at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg at the Chair of Soil Ecology. Project title: "Rain Erosivity and Climate Change: Soil Erosion Potential of Mechanized Logging in Steep Terrain"
- 2010-2014: Research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Soil Ecology
- 2006-2008: Research assistant at Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt (FVA), Freiburg
- 2003-2009: Studies in "Hydrology" at ALU Freiburg, thesis for Diploma: "Concepts for Network Structures on Hillslopes"
International activities:
- Coordination of a project in the German-Brazilian program PROBRAL in cooperation with the Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP, Brazil. Project title: „Bodenerosionspotentiale forstlicher Nutzungssysteme unter sich ändernden Klima- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen in Deutschland und Brasilien“. Focus: Soil erosion in forestry and agriculture on tropical soils. Four long-term stays as guest scientist at UNESP between 2011 and 2014.
- Long-term scientific internship at Estación Cientifica San Francisco, Loja, Ecuador, in 2006.
- "Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)" based at section "Hydrology" (4.4.).
- "QuantGRAV - Quanten-Gravimetrie für künftige Erdbeobachtung aus dem Weltraum" funded by DLR.
Wissenschaftliche Gremien:
Past activities:
- Member of the advisory board for the project "WADKlim - Auswirkung des Klimawandels auf die Wasserverfügbarkeit: Status quo, zukünftige Entwicklung und Handlungsoptionen"
- GFZ Wissenstranferpreis 2023 as part of the project group „GRACE-Informationsseite für Global Water Storage“ with three other colleagues from sections 1.2 and 1.3.