Dr. Ivone Jimenez-Munt

Funktion und Aufgaben:

Research guest at GFZ
Researcher from Geosciences Barcelona, GEO3BCN-CSIC

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

Numerical modeling applied to the study of large-scale lithospheric deformation processes. Interaction between lithosphere-asthenosphere and its response in the variations on the elevation, temperature, and stress and strain distribution.

Thermal and compositional distribution of the crust and upper mantle using an integrated geophysical-petrological modeling.

Integration of geophysical data with numerical modeling for geothermal purposes.


  • Ongoing Projects (leading):
  • GeoAdria. "Geodynamics of Adria microplate, mantle to surface". Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento, Spanish Government, 2023-2026.
  • COCREA. "Assessment of the Geothermal Potential of the Alto Guadiana Region Based on Tectonic and Hydrogeological Factors."  Collaboration Public-Private
  • LINCGeotherm - 'Assessment of Geothermal Potential in Volcanic Regions Using Thermomechanical Numerical Modeling'. Argentina-Spain.
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