Prof. Dr. Dirk Scherler

Prof. Dr. Dirk Scherler
Haus E, Raum 229 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

Vorübergehende Leitung der Sektion 3.3 Geochemie der Erdoberfläche

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

  • Geomorphologie
  • Tektonik
  • Kosmogene Nuklide
  • Glaziologie
  • Fernerkundung


  • Seit 04/2022 Professor für Kosmogene Nuklide, GFZ Potsdam und Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2014-2022 Juniorprofessor für Kosmogene Nuklide, GFZ Potsdam und Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2012-2014 Postdoc, California Institute of Technology, USA (Alexander von Humboldt Stipendiat)
  • 2010-2012 Postdoc, Universität Potsdam

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

  • 2010 Promotion in Geologie, Universität Potsdam
  • 2005 Diplom in Geographie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin


  • TopoToolbox 3 – improving the quality and reuse of a research software for terrain analysis (since 2024; Co-PI; funded by DFG: SCHE 1676/7-1)
  • Dynamics of erosion and vegetation in the Western Mediterranean Region (since 2022; Co-PI; funded by Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Glacial and erosional contributions to Late Quaternary uplift of the European Alps (since 2021; funded by DFG: SCHE 1676/6-1)


  • Biota, fractures, thresholds: Emergent self-organization in landscape evolution? (2019-2022; funded by DFG: SCHE 1676/4-2)
  • Climate sensitivity of glacial landscape dynamics (COLD) (2018-2023; funded by ERC Starting Grant)
  • Tracing the variability of Himalayan paleo-erosion rates during the Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic transitions (2017-2019; funded by Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation postdoc scholarship to Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mandal)
  • Testing biotic controls on erosion and sediment transport in the Chilean coastal cordillera with cosmogenic 10Be-derived erosion rates and a shear stress-based river incision model (2016-2019; funded by DFG: SCHE 1676/4-1)
  • Quantifying the response of rapidly eroding landscapes to climate change with cosmogenic nuclides (2016-2019; funded by DFG: SCHE 1676/3-1)

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