Dr. Anne Glerum

Funktion und Aufgaben:
Anne uses numerical modelling to explore geodynamic processes in both global and regional context. During her PhD at Utrecht University, she extended ASPECT for application to complex models of lithospheric subduction, including nonlinear, viscoplastic rheologies and realistic, data-driven set-ups. With these models she investigated the control mantle dynamics exert on the present-day crustal deformation of the Eastern Mediterranean.
As part of the CRYSTALS group of Dr. Sascha Brune, she worked on regional- and local-scale models of the East African Rift System (Topic 3), concentrating on discriminating between the contributions of rift dynamics and mantle flow to the motion of the Victoria microplate. Other work focussed on magma-tectonic feedback and surface processes during rifting.
With Dr. Sarah Gleeson, Dr. Philipp Weis, Dr. Sascha Brune and Dr. Joseph Magnall, Anne now works within Topic 8 on unraveling the geodynamic control on sediment-hosted metal deposits in rift basins. To this end she is developing a coupled workflow where ASPECT provides the broader geodynamic context for smaller-scale hydrothermal fluid flow modeling. You can find her EGU Geodynamics Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award lecture about this work here.
Anne contributes to the MSCA Doctoral Network TALENTS and the DFG SPP DOME by supervising PhD candidates. Some of her side projects include the 101 Geodynamic modeling EGU short courses and corresponding Solid Earth paper, analysing the diversity of the geodynamics community through time by looking at the biannual Ada Lovelace Workshop and implementing complex viscoelastoplastic rheologies into ASPECT.
For more information, please visit Anne's personal website.
Wissenschaftliche Interessen:
I am interested in the numerical modeling of processes across temporal and spatial scales in continental rift settings, with surface processes such as erosion and sedimentation, geothermal fluid flow and ore deposition being some of the smaller-scale processes.
On the technical side, I enjoy code development and learning how to optimize the open source development process.
Werdegang / Ausbildung:
2009-2012 MSc in Geophysics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, with highest distinction (cum laude in the Dutch system)
2006-2009 BSc in Earth Sciences atUtrecht University, The Netherlands, with highest distinction (cum laude in the Dutch system)
2024: EGU Geodynamics Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award
2023: GFZ Award for Young Scientists 2020
2018: 2nd Prize Best poster, Dutch Earth Scientific Conference