Prof. Dr. Andreas Güntner

Funktion und Aufgaben:
Senior scientist in Section 'Hydrology'
Head of the Working Group ' Hydrogravimetry and large-scale hydrology'
Professor for Hydrogravimetry at Potsdam University (Institute of Environmental Science and Geography)
ResearcherID C-9892-2011
ORCID 0000-0001-6233-8478
Wissenschaftliche Interessen:
Hydrological monitoring and modelling from local to global scales- Understanding water storage variations in space and time, from surface water bodies to the vadose zone and the groundwater
- Developing geodetic/geophysical monitoring techniques for hydrological applications, in particular
- satellite gravimetry
- terrestrial gravimetry
- Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) for soil moisture monitoring
- GNSS reflectometry for surface soil moisture and snow monitoring - Satellite gravimetry (GRACE, GRACE-FollowOn, GRACE-C and upcoming missions) for the assessment of large-scale water storage changes
- Terrestrial gravimetry for assessing field-scale water storage variations (with superconducting gravimeters, absolute quantum gravimeters, and/or spring gravimeters in field applications) (e.g., Güntner et al. 2017; 2024)
- Integration of monitoring data with hydrological models, multi-critierial calibration (in particular for the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM))
- Installation and operation of hydrological and hydro-gravimetric observatories and monitoring systems (e.g., TERENO-Northeast, Wettzell, SAGOS, AGGO, MOSES)
Since 2015 Joint appointment of GFZ and University of Potsdam as Professor for
Since 2003 Scientist at GFZ, Section Hydrology
2002 Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) in the field of geo-ecology/hydrology, Potsdam University.
Title of thesis:
Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling in the Semi-Arid North-East of Brazil
2002 Research scientist, University of Potsdam, Department of Geoecology
1997 - 2001 PhD student, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
1991 – 1997 Studies in Hydrology at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
- G3P (Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product) (EU H2020, finished 2021, to be extended to an operational C3S service)) (Güntner et al., 2024)
- TerraQ (CRC 1464: TerraQ – Relativistic and Quantum-based Geodesy), Project C05
- CosmicSense (DFG Research Unit 2694: Large-Scale and High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Moisture on Field and Catchment Scales – Boosted by Cosmic-Ray Neutrons), Project HG
- GlobalCDA (DFG Research Unit 2630:Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and remote sensing information with modelling using a calibration/data assimilation (CDA) approach), Project P3
- MAGIC (Simulation studies for a Mass change And Geosciences International Constellation) (ESA) (finished 2024) (Daras et al., 2024)
- QuantGrav (Quanten-Gravimetrie für künftige Erdbeobachtung aus dem Weltraum) (DLR) (finished 2024) (Zingerle et al. 2024)
- MOSES (e.g., Wieser & Güntner et al. 2023)
- HOSGO (Hydrological and oceanic signals in geodetic observations at the Argentine-German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO)) (BMBF) (finished 2018) (Pendiuk et al. 2023, 2020; Mikolaj et al. 2018)
- EGSIEM (European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management) (EU H2020) (finished 2017) (Jaeggi et al. 2019; Gouweleeuw et al., 2018)
- Helmholtz Alliance “Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics” (EDA),
Project Hydrosphere H3 "Development of GNSS reflectometry for soil moisture retrieval at the field scale and for global applications" (finished 2017) (Vey et al. 2016a, 2016b)
Wissenschaftliche Gremien:
Member of TOPC - GCOS (The Terrestrial Observation Panel of Climate in the Global Climate Observing System), Steward for the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) Groundwater and Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS)
2011 European Geosciences Union (EGU): Union Service Award
2005 American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2004 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in
Refereeing (Journal: Water Resources Research)
2004 Travel grant of the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung
2004 Award of the University Society Potsdam for the best PhD at Potsdam University in
the Academic Years 2002 / 2003
2002 Publication Award for Junior Scientists 2002 of Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam