Anais Magalie Sina Urban

Anais Magalie Sina Urban
Haus C, Raum 322 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2023 - now: PhD student (Warm-Hydro Project)

2020 - 2023: M.Sc Earth, Life and Climate, special track: climate reconstruction, Utrecht University                       

                        Thesis: "Hydro-climatic evolution of the Dead Sea during the Last Deglaciation - Insights from clumped isotopes"

2014 - 2018: B.Sc Georesourcemanagement, RWTH Aachen

                        Thesis: "Sediment physical and geochemical studies on a shallow sediment drill core from the proximal domain of a delta located on Šaško Jezero (Southern Montenegro)"


In my doctoral research (WarmHydro), I investigate the hydroclimatic variability of the Eastern Mediterranean during the onset of the last interglacial (~130 ka BP). For my study, I use lake sediment cores obtained from the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), extracted from the Dead Sea and Lake Van.
These terminal lakes serve as critical archives for reconstructing past climates, with features such as annually deposited layers (varves) enabling the reconstruction of climatic changes at an annual resolution.
The study employs a range of analytical techniques, including stable isotope analysis, microfacies analysis, XRF elemental scans, tephrochronology, and leaf wax biomarker analysis.
Given that the Eastern Mediterranean is currently warming at a rate exceeding the global average, understanding its past hydroclimatic responses to global warming is essential. This knowledge is key to predicting future hydrological impacts, such as water availability and the frequency of extreme events.


Awarded with the ECORD Scholarship 2023
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