M. Sc. Alina Grishina

M. Sc. Alina Grishina
Haus A 42, Raum 201 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

PhD student with Prof Dr Yuri Shprits and Dr Miriam Sinnhuber, investigating ring current electron precipitation into the Earth's atmosphere

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

  • Numerical modelling of ring current and radiation belt particles
  • Calculation of precipitated flux and estimation of its effect on the atmosphere
  • Processing and analysis of the LEO satellites data


  • PhD student, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Section 2.7 Space Physics and Space Weather, September 2020 - Present
  • Research assistant, IAA RAS, Saint Petersburg, July 2019 - July 2020
  • Laboratory assistant, Saint Petersburg State University, December 2017

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

  • Specialist in Astronomy, Saint Petersburg State University, 2014-2019


Space Environment on Atmospheric Chemistry and dynamics (SPEACH)

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