IGMAS+ - Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System

3-D gravity and magnetic modelling appreciably improves the results of distinct depth imaging projects. This is most efficient for areas of strong lateral contrasts in seismic velocity and density and corresponding imaging problems. Typical areas where grav/mag modelling has been successfully used are sub-salt and sub-basalt settings, but it is also of utmost importance for large regional models where it helps to add additional constraints on the crustal and mantle configuration.

IGMAS+ is a software for 3-D modelling of potential fields and its derivatives under the condition of constraining data and independent information. It comes with tools for forward and inverse modelling. A remarkable user-friendly feature of IGMAS+ is that it allows adjusting the geometries and physical properties of modelled subsurface bodies interactively, while the corresponding calculated and measured potential field components are visualized together with independent observations.

IGMAS+ has a long history starting 1988 with the basic and key publication of Götze and Lahmeyer and has seen continuous improvement since then with input by many contributors (see publication list). Since 2019, IGMAS+ is maintained and developed at The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences by the staff of Section 4.5 – Basin Modelling and ID2 – eScience Centre with strong ongoing support by H.-J. Götze and S. Schmidt from CAU Kiel. Together we aim to further develop, improve and promote this useful tool.

The IGMAS+ is an important and user-friendly tool for an integrative and multi-disciplinary analysis of spatial variabilities in the subsurface and contributes to the sustainable use of the geo-resources, along with the main context of POF IV Topics 3 'Geohazards' and 8 'Georesources'.

Please visit the IGMAS+ website for more information: www.gfz.de/igmas


  • Prof. Dr. H.-J. Götze (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
  • Dr. S. Schmidt (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)


Götze, H. J., & Lahmeyer, B. (1988). Application of three-dimensional interactive modeling in gravity and magnetics. Geophysics, 53(8), 1096-1108.

Lahmeyer, B., Götze, H. J., Schmidt, S., Alvers, M. R., Plonka, C., & Fichler, C. (2010, June). Interactive 3D Gravity and Magnetic Modelling in IGMAS+ and the Integration in the Depth Imaging Workflow. In 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010 (pp. cp-161). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.

Schmidt, S., Götze, H. J., Fichler, C., & Alvers, M. R. (2010). IGMAS+ a new 3D Gravity, FTG and Magnetic Modeling Software. In Geoinformatik (pp. 57-63).

Schmidt, S., Plonka, C., Götze, H. J., & Lahmeyer, B. (2011). Hybrid modelling of gravity, gravity gradients and magnetic fields. Geophysical Prospecting, 59(Advances in Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Exploration), 1046-1051.

Schmidt, S., Anikiev, D., Götze, H.-J., Gomez Garcia, À., Gomez Dacal, M. L., Meeßen, C., Plonka, C., Rodriguez Piceda, C., Spooner, C., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: IGMAS+ – a tool for interdisciplinary 3D potential field modelling of complex geological structures., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8383, doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8383, 2020

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