ESR 1 - Development of Future Weather techniques for flood risk assessment

Sonu Khanal, home country Nepal

Host Institute: FutureWater Research and consultancy for a sustainable future of our water resources 

ESR 2 - Flood change attribution: considering sources and pathways for understanding the past

Miriam Bertola, home country Italy

Host Institute: Technische Universität Wien

ESR 3 - Identification of flood hazard patterns and flood-prone areas for large regions

Ricardo Tavares da Costa, home country Portugal

Host Institute: GECOsistema srl

ESR 4 - Generation of boundary conditions for large-scale flood risk assessment

Dirk Diederen, home country The Netherlands

Host Institute: HR Wallingford

ESR 5 - Identification of large-scale flood-risk changes and adaptation strategies

Iuliia Shustikova, home country Ukraine

Host Institute: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

ESR 6 - Development of improved flood risk analysis methods for river deltas including the effects of defence failures on flood risk

Alex Curran, home country Ireland

Host Institutes: Deltares - Flood Risk Management Department, TU Delft - Civil Engineering Faculty, Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk Section

ESR 7 - Large-scale flood risk assessments

Mostafa Farrag, home country Egypt

Host Institutes: German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Section 5.4 Hydrology

ESR 8 - Development of transboundary, long-term flood risk management strategies taking into account uncertain spatial risk patterns and spatial interdependencies

Alessio Ciullo, home country Italy

Host Institute: Deltares

ESR 9 - Development of a new European-wide flood hazard assessment approach

Jeison Sosa, home country Ecuador

Host Institute: University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences

ESR 10 - Cascading Effects: Impacts of Extreme Events on Infrastructure and Options for Flood Policy and Climate Change Adaptation Policy

Maya Lyn Manocsoc, home country Philippines

Host Institute: Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency), FG I 1.6 KomPass - Climate Impacts and Adaptation

ESR 11 - Assessing and evaluating the interconnections and interdependencies between flood risk management (FRM) interventions

Lydia Cumiskey, home country Ireland

Host Institute: Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University

ESR 12 - Investigating the indirect impacts of floods with a focus on businesses and supply chains

Friederike Holz, home country Germany

Host Institute: Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC) at Middlesex University, London, UK

ESR 13 - Analyses and modelling of changes in vulnerability with focus on private sector

Nivedita Sairam, home country India

Host Institute: German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Section 5.4 Hydrology

ESR 14 - Attribution of changes in flood risk with focus on exposure and vulnerability

A. Duha Metin, home country Turkey

Host Institute: German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Section 5.4 Hydrology

ESR 15 - Socio-hydrology: understanding the generic behaviour of coupled human-flood systems at the centennial scale

Marlies Barendrecht, home country The Netherlands

Host Institute: Vienna University of Technology

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