STIMTEC – Mine back project

English only

The STIMTEC project, funded by BMBF, focuses on the development and optimization of stimulation methods and to understand the hydro-mechanical processes involved. It is located at the scientific mining area Reiche Zeche, Freiberg, Saxony at about 120 m depth. Beside GFZ, partner from universities (RUB, TUBAF), research institutes (LIAG) and industry (GmuG, gemecon, MeSy Solexperts) are involved. This mine back project aims to analyze the initiation and propagation of hydraulic pathways under well known conditions by using periodic pumping tests and a new high-resolution 3D real-time seismic monitoring technique, and in combination with numerical modeling to develop a technology for controlled stimulations. The predicted hydraulic pathways will be validated by subsequent drilling.  

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