Data and Information Management


The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) promotes the qualitative enrichment of research data by means of metadata – and implements this approach across the whole organization. In particular, its aim is to make all aspects of research knowledge gained within the Helmholtz Association discoverable, accessible, interoperable and reusable for the entire scientific community in accordance with FAIR principles.

FAIR WISH will (1) develop standardised and discipline specific IGSN metadata schemes for different samples types within the research field Earth and Environment (EaE) that are complementing the core IGSN metadata schema; and (2) develop workflows to generate machine-readable IGSN metadata from different states of digitisation (from templates to databases) and to automatically register IGSNs. Our use cases were selected to include the large variety of sample types from different sub-disciplines across the project partners (e.g. terrestrial, marine environments, rock, soil, vegetation, water samples) and represent all states of digitization: from individual scientists, collecting sample descriptions in their field books to digital sample management systems fed by an app that is used in the field.

FID GEO is a project that implements advanced information and publication services for the geoscientific community in Germany. Its focus is on the geosciences of the solid earth. FID GEO is funded by “Specialised Information Services Programme” of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), which establishes a number of discipline-specific “Fachinformationsdienste (FID)” in Germany. FIDs supplement existing information infrastructures at universities and research institutions, providing additional services nationwide.

[Translate to English:] NFDI4Earth (i) vernetzt Wissenschaftler:innen aus der Erdsystemforschung in nationalen und internationalen interdisziplinären Netzwerken, (ii) schafft einheitliche Regelungen für die Bereitstellung von qualitätsgesicherten und leicht integrierbaren Forschungsdaten, (iii) bindet existierende Forschungsdatenrepositorien ein und (iv) entwickelt mit der Community der Forschenden die nächste Generation von Datenaustausch- und Datenanalyseumgebungen. NFDI4Earth bildet die notwendige Grundlage für innovative und interdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze, die vielfach auch die drängenden globalen Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Wasserknappheit, Landnutzungsänderung, Umweltverschmutzung und Naturgefahren adressieren.

[Translate to English:] Die Sektion 5.1 – Bibliothek und Informationsdienste (LIS) konnte im Rahmen des DFG-Förderprogramms „Open-Access-Publikationskosten“ erfolgreich Mittel zur Unterstützung von originären Open Access Publikationen einwerben. Mit diesen Mitteln soll die Transformation hin zu einem offenen Zugang zu und Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Publikationen vorangetrieben werden. Im Zeitraum 2022-2024 können so Wissenschaftler*innen des GFZ von einer höheren finanziellen Unterstützung beim Publizieren in originären Open Access-Zeitschriften durch das Open Access Budget von LIS profitieren, als dies bis dato der Fall war.

The aim of the World Heat Flow Database Project is to develop a new research data infrastructure for the IHFC Global Heat Flow Database (IHFC) offering a one-stop shop for comprehensive information on heat-flow related data, publications, projects, and researchers. This new user-oriented web service will provide to the geoscientific community quality-proofed, up-to-date, well-documented, extended, enriched, and restructured heat-flow data. The project supports the Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project. The new database will reflect the criteria of FAIR and OPEN data policy and will support the interoperability with other geoscientific data services (e.g., EPOS). Core elements are the provision of globally used persistent identifiers: (i) DOI for heat-flow data newly submitted to the database, (ii) ORCID IDs to uniquely identify authors, and (iii) International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN) for connecting data and literature with physical samples on which data were measured.

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