Technological developments, which often arose from the specific requirements of geo-research, have found their way onto the market as genuine innovations from the GFZ. These hardware developments are distributed as products via licensees. Patent applications, internal innovation projects and further validation activities, as well as technology marketing, were previously necessary for these successes. Examples of products in the field of devices and monitoring systems are:
GNSS hardware tiny black
Licensed receiver Licensed receiver for high-precision applications
An example of successful hardware products developed by the GFZ is the GNSS receiver ‘tiny black’. The ‘tiny black’ is a development based on the specific requirements of the GFZ GNSS observatory for compact, robust, campaign-suitable and cost-effective GNSS hardware for high-precision applications. With a position accuracy of less than 5 mm, a low unit price is also important due to the use of industrial components. The multi-year development was licensed to the GFZ spin-off maRam UG in 2022.
Rainwater autosampler
Patented and licenced system for water monitoring
One example of a patent application that was further developed into a product and is available on the market is the HiRAS rainwater autosampler. This device was licenced to a regional company in 2022. The automated sampler enables autonomous, robust sampling. It can be used in the field for several years to collect and store water samples for environmental analysis. The samples are stored without air exchange and allow comprehensive monitoring (including isotope analysis).
Seismic impulse hammer for tunnel construction
Hardware and analysis software
The SQ 5 impulse hammer is based on hardware and software developed by GFZ. The seismic impulse source is manufactured under licence and used by tunnel construction companies for preliminary exploration. This innovative impact hammer was licensed to the Swiss company Amberg Technologies AG. The company is a long-standing development partner of the GFZ 3D-US Lab in the context of contract research and validation tests.