Prof. Dr. Thomas Walter

Prof. Dr. Thomas Walter
Haus H 7, Raum 301 (Büro)
Helmholtzstraße 6/7
14467 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

Email contact: twalter {AT}

Professor (Apl.) for Volcanology and Geohazards at the University Potsdam
Head of the volcano-tectonics and -hazards workgroup, Section 2.1 at GFZ Potsdam
Permanent staff and group lead at GFZ Potsdam 

Major projects/responsibilities:

ERC Synergy PI and Group Leader (RottnRock project) 2024-2030
ERC Consolidator Group Leader (Volcapse group) 2015-2021
IUGG-IAVCEI Germany chair
Speaker Geosphere of the Helmholtz Alliance on Remote Sensing (EDA)
Emmy Noether Group Leader (Volcano-Tectonics group )
Speaker of the German Geophysical Union (DGG) AK Volcanology and
Initiator and co-lead of the Physics of Volcanoes workshops
Lead scientist of volcano monitoring in the IPOC network
Visit also private webpage here


Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

My main interest is related to the observation and modelling of volcano and earthquake deformation processes and source characterization. I am combining remote sensing techniques with geophysical and geodetic field observations. Synthetic apertur radar (SAR and InSAR) and high resolution photogrammetry and unoccupied aircraft systems UAS (pixel tracking, structure from motion) are of great value for studying volcanic processes, such as lava dome growth and eruption initiation, or structural and gravitational instability. While I am placing seismometers or tilt instruments at safe distance to volcanoes, eyes from satellites and drones allow deep views into the craters. I focus my studies on interacting processes, such as volcano-earthquake interactions, or the relationship between flank motion and magmatism or fluid ascent. Modelling of these processes using the boundary element methods, stress transfer and analog experiments allow testing parameters and understanding complexities.


2020 - Professor (Apl.) for Volcanology and Geohazards at the University Potsdam
2012 - Lecturer (Priv.-Doz.) at the University Potsdam, FRG
2011 - Habilitation, Faculty of Math & Natural Sciences, University Potsdam, FRG 
2009 - Permanent Staff scientist at the GFZ 
2005 - Emmy Noether group leader GFZ Potsdam and University Potsdam
2003 - Postdoc at InSAR labs, University of Miami, USA
2002 - Postdoc, GEOMAR, Kiel. FRG and University Miami, USA
2002 - Ph.D., Faculty of Math & Natural Sciences, University Kiel, FRG, summa cum laude 
1999 - MSc in Geology at Univ. Freiburg i. Brsg., and at Institute for Technical Optics (ITO) Stuttgart


Seeking a topic for a PhD, Master or Bachelor thesis? Are you interested in collaboration?
If you have strong interests in volcanoes, interacting hazards, a passion for volcano-tectonics, photogrammetric, radar remote sensing and computing, and seek new challenges, please contact me and we find a project for you!

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