Dr. Samah Elbarbary

Dr. Samah Elbarbary
Haus A 69, Raum 106 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

Scientist in working group: Exploration Thermal Geosystems

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

My research centers on questions related to integrating geophysical data with GIS in geothermal exploration. I have broad experience analyzing geophysical data, GIS tools, and satellite image processing. I am also interested in many geothermal exploration questions and seek to conduct sound and interesting science.


May 2023- today Postdoc at GFZ

March 2020-December 2022  Guest Researcher| Institut für Geophysik, University of Münster, Germany

May 2015-February 2020 Researcher | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, NRIAG, Egypt

September 2009-January 2015 Lecturer | Geology department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Egypt

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

January 2019 Ph.D. | Geology, Damietta University, Egypt

  • Dissertation: ”Exploration of Geothermal Resources in Egypt using Geophysical Tools and GIS”
  • Research project was funded by the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF)

May 2011 M.Sc. | Geology, Damietta University, Egypt

  • Dissertation: ”Application of hydrochemical and isotopic techniques for evaluating the groundwater resources in the coastal area northwest Sinai Peninsula, Egypt”

July 2007 B.Sc. | Geology, Damietta University, Egypt

  •  Graduation Project: Detection of landmines using geophysical techniques in Egypt.


2023-2025            Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project 

2022-2023            A Prospective Study on the Geothermal Potential in Egypt, funded by the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), project ID: 43553) 

2018-2021            Assessment of Geothermal Resources in Farafra, Western Desert, Egypt, funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt (Grant no. 1351).

2017-2019            Exploration of Geothermal Resources in Egypt using Geophysical Tools and GIS, funded by the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF)

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