Dr. Pia Victor

Dr. Pia Victor
Haus E, Raum 421 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

·   Senior scientist

·   PI of the IPOC Creepmeter Observatory

·   PI of Etna CREEP

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

I am a structural geologist  with the focus on active tectonics

I am interested in:

· The interaction of the subduction process and forearc tectonics along active continental margins

· Studying the impact of faulting on landscape evolution (e.g. mountain building, coastal uplift, drainage evolution)

· Understanding the relation between earthquake cycle deformation and long-term behavior along fault systems.

· Determining fault displacement rates and transients on various time-scales (seconds – million years)

·  Instrumental fault displacement rate monitoring: IPOC Creepmeter Array

· 3D analysis of fault activity pattern, kinematic evolution and uplift


2023 - present       Senior scientist (50%), GFZ Potsdam, Germany

2015  –  2022        Senior scientist and science management, GFZ Potsdam, Germany

2005  -   2015        Research scientist and science management,  GFZ Potsdam, Germany

2001 -    2005        Assistant Professor (C1) in Structural Geology at Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Germany

2000 -    2001        Postdoctoral position at Institut Français du Pétrole, France

1997 -    2000        Research assistant, GFZ Potsdam, Germany

Two children *2003, *2007

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

 2000    PhD in Geoscience at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

1996     Diploma in Geology at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany       


CRC 1211 "Earth: Evolution at the dry limit"

     Project C05: Tectonic geomorphology: Adaptation of drainage to tectonic forcing.

EDITH: From Earthquake deformation to seismic hazard assessment 

 IPOC: Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile

IPOC Creep: Monitoring seismic and silent faulting along the Atacama Fault System, N-Chile

Etna CREEP - onshore Creepmeter monitoring of the unstable SE flank

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