Dr. Philippe Jousset
Funktion und Aufgaben:
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Wissenschaftliche Interessen:
Physical signatures of hot fluids in the crust
Physical volcanology
Volcano monitoring, hazard and risk assessment
Geothermal applications
Induced and triggered earthquakes
Geophysical methods: seismology, deformation, gravimetry, infrasound, Fibre Optic Sensing
Geophysical techniques: instrumentation, data processing, modelling, inversion, data integration
Seismic wave propagation Finite Difference modelling
Technical and scientific adviser for volcano monitoring
Werdegang / Ausbildung:
1992-1996 Ph.D. (Physics of the Earth), Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France
1991-1992 D.E.A. (M.Sc.), Physics of the Earth - Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France
1987-1990 Engineering Geologist, École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie, Nancy, France Teaching experience
Supervision of 3 postdocs, 11 PhD, >10 MSc and > 5 BSc and several internship projects
PI scientist for seismic and fibre optic cable network deployment (Indonesia, Iceland, Mexico, Italy)
· SENSEI (Horizon Europe) project, 5000 k€, 3 years
· Coordination of the “Focus site: Iceland” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year
· Contribution to the “Focus site: Etna” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year; Fibre optics
· Coordination of the “Focus site: Iceland” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year
· Contribution to the “Focus site: Etna” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year; Fibre optics
· Coordination of the “Focus site: Iceland” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year
· Contribution to the “Focus site: Etna” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year; Fibre optics
· Coordination of the “Focus site: Iceland” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year
· Contribution to the “Focus site: Etna” (GFZ recurrent funding, Germany), 15 k€/year; Fibre optics
· ITN IMPROVE (EU H2020) – 4000 k€, 4 years.
· Drilling into Krafla magma – KMT, Krafla Magma Testbed (ICDP funding) – 3800 k€, 5 years
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 30 k€, 1 year. “Etna and Sicilian Volcanoes”, optical fibers measurements
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 30 k€, 1 year. Mass balance observations in Northern Iceland
· ITN SPIN (EU H2020) – 4000 k€, 4 years.
· MAGIC (GFZ Hart mission, Germany) – Magma Iceland – Seismic swarm investigation in Reykjanes.
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 5 k€, 1 year. DAS measurement under the sea.
· Eurovolc (EU H2020) – 1 k€, 1 year. “FAME” - Fibre optical cable: Alternative for Monitoring volcanic Events.
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 38 k€, 1 year. “INFRADAS” – DAS and infrasound measurement (Etna volcano).
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 35 k€, 1 year. “DAS@SEA” – DAS Measurement (Etna volcano).
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 5 k€, 1 year. Geophysical observations at Geysir, Iceland.
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 5 k€, 1 year. Geophysical observations at Geysir, Iceland.
· EU-Horizon2020 – 10.000 k€, 3.5 years. “GEMEX: Cooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal Systems
· BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany) –1.000 k€, 3.5 years. Microgravimotis: monitoring high enthalpy geothermal reservoir using 5 continuous gravity stations, Indonesia and Iceland.
· PUF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 35 k€, 1 year. Seismic dense array deployment and DAS in Iceland.
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 18 k€, 1 year. Tomographic study in Indonesia.
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 15 k€, 1 year. Tomographic study in Indonesia.
· POF (GFZ funding, Germany) – 15 k€, 1 year. “KISS” - Tomographic study at Kamchatka volcanoes.
· EU-FP7 (European Framework Program 7) – 10.000 k€, 4.5 years. Project “IMAGE”.
· EQC (Earthquake Commission of Earthquakes, New-Zealand) – 40 k€, 2 years. “The seismo-acoustic energy dynamics of micro-eruptions at White Island volcano.”
· ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France) – 650 k€, 4 years. “DOMERAPI.”
· EU-FP7 (European Framework Program 7) – 3500 k€, 4 years. “NEMOH: Numerical, Experimental and stochastic Modelling of vOlcanic processes and Hazard: Initial Training Network for the next generation of European volcanologists”.
· French Ministry of Environment (Ministère de l’Ecologie de l’Environnement du Développement Durable et de la Mer) – 80 k€, 1 year. Public Service study on “Earthquakes precursors”.
· EQC (Earthquake Commission of Earthquakes, New-Zealand) – 85 k€, 2 years. “Attenuate to resonate: the role of attenuation in generating long-period volcanic earthquakes”.
· EU FP7 (European Framework Program 7) – 6.000 k€, 4 years. “MIAVITA”.
· ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France) – 300 k€, 3 years. “Spatial evolution of the volcanoes in the French Antilles Arc and associated hydrothermal systems.”
· “Studium” funding (Region Centre): 2 year-position for international expert
· French Ministry of Foreign Affairs – 800 k€ – 2 years. “Volcanic risk assessment at Mount Cameroon”
Wissenschaftliche Gremien:
2024-2027 Member of the Beno Gutenberg Medal Committee (EGU)
2023-2024 Deputy President of the Seismology Division of EGU
2019-2023 President of the Seismology Division of EGU
2018-2019 President-elect of the Seismology Division of EGU
Since 2012 Scientific Officer (Crustal Fluids and Seismic Activity) Seismology Division of EGU
Since 2011 Convener of sessions at EGU, AGU, AOGS, IAVCEI international meetings.
2021-2023 President of the Orientation Committee of the Labex “ITI”, EOST Strasbourg, France.
2016-2019 President of the Scientific Committee of the Labex “G-Eau-Thermie”, EOST Strasbourg, France.
1989 President of the student “Bureau des élèves”, ENSG Nancy, France
Scientific Committees
Since 2014 Member of HART (GFZ) - defining GFZ to the high scientific impact after major natural events.
2021-2023 Member of the Outreach Committee EGU
2013-2020 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Labex “G-Eau-Thermie”, EOST Strasbourg, France.
2018-2019 Member of the Scientific Committee for the “Evaluation of the volcanic activity at Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano, France”
2010 Scientific adviser during the volcanic crisis management of Merapi volcano (November 2010) together with the Director of CVGHM (Indonesia) and the Director of the VDAP (USGS).
2000 Ministry of Environnement, « Comité Supérieur Évaluation Risques Volcaniques », (National volcanic risk assessment panel)
Expertise for evaluation of volcanic risk at Usu Volcano, Japan (28 Oct.-5 Nov. 2000)
2000-2003 WEB designer and manager of the Volcano-Seismology Group at Leeds University, UK
1994 Organiser of the Ph.D. student meeting of IPGP
Scientific review panels, editorial duties
2024 Organisation of a EGU Galileo conference “Fibre Optic in Geosciences”, Catania, 17-21 June 2024 (150 participants, 90 abstracts).
Since 2000 Reviewer of more than 60 manuscripts for Nature Comm., Scientific Reports, Science, JGR, GJI, GRL, GGG, JVGR, EPSL, Geothermics, Computers & Geosciences, NHESS, Solid Earth, etc.
2016, 2018, 2021 ERC proposals reviewer
2010-2020 Reviewer of several proposals in various universities and institute worlsdwide (ADEME - France, NERC - UK, MARSDEN-New-Zealand, NSF-USA, etc)
2022 Principal Guest Editor – S.I. Solid Earth: “Fibre Optic Sensing in Earth Sciences” – 10 research papers.
2018 Principal Guest Editor – S.I. JVGR: “Reykjanes, SW Iceland” – 28 research papers.
2014 Editor for a S.I. NHESS “Approaches and methods to improve risk management in volcanic areas”.
2013 Principal Guest Editor - Special Issue of JVGR “Merapi eruption” – 24 research papers.
2007-2018 Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2014 Member of Review Panel for the Ireland Science Foundation.
2013 Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Geothermal, Bandung, Indonesia.
Jousset P., 2024.Keynote speak at the SSA “Photonic Seismology” meeting, Vancouver, BC.
Jousset P., 2024.Keynote speak at the European Seismology Commission General Assembly 2024. Corfú, Greece.
Jousset P., 2022. University Clermond-Ferrand, Laboratoire Magma et Volcans. Séminaire invité.
Jousset P. and Ch. Krawczyk, 2022. Earthquake detection: Fibre Optic Distributed Sensing: Opportunities for Seismology and Volcanology. https://wiki.geant.org/display/SIGNGN/7th+SIG-NGN+Meeting
Jousset P., 2022. Fibre optic distributed sensing: a new tool for seismology and volcanology, Online Seminar Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. 25.01.2022.
Jousset P., 2021. Fibre optic cables, a new tool for seismology and volcanology, “Grand Séminaire” Grenoble; France
Jousset P., 2021. DAS or fibre optic distributed acoustic sensing for seismology and volcanology. ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop 2021 The future of digital seismological data services: new data types and communities. 08.11.2021.
Jousset P., 2021. Fibre optic cables as sensors for seismology and volcanology, 11.06.2021 Scuola Superiore di Catania.
Jousset P., 2021. Fibre Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing at Reykjanes (Iceland) and at Etna volcano (Italy). Novel Instrumentation to Anticipate Volcanic Eruptions online workshop 01.02.2021 - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University.
Jousset P., 2020. Fibre Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Seismology, Volcanology and Submarine research. University of Brest, Invited talk. 04.09.2020.
Jousset P., 2020. Fibre optic technologies for seismology and volcanology applications. Frei Universität Berlin, invited talk. 28.02.2020.
Jousset P., 2019. Fibre optic sensing for parameter estimation. GEO-ASTRO workshop, IPGP Paris, 11 and 12 February 2019, IPGP Paris.
Jousset P., 2018. Fibre optic sensing, Workshop European Seismology at the frontier: new capabilities and techniques, GFZ, Potsdam, 22 November 2018.
Jousset P., 2018. Seismological observations with distributed fibre optic sensing, University of Brest and IFREMER, Kick-off meeting of the ERC FOCUS, 20 November 2018.
Jousset P., 2018. The future of seismological observations with distributed fibre optic sensing, IPG Paris, 2018.
Jousset P., 2018. Exploration of geothermal reservoirs: A review and future challenges. European Geothermal Workshop, Strasbourg, 10-11 October 2018.
Jousset P., 2018. Seismology with optical fibre: example from Iceland and perspectives for Etna volcano monitoring. INGV Observatory of Etna volcano, Catania, 1st August 2018.
Jousset P., Th. Reinsch and Ch. Krawczyk, 2018. Volcano-tectonic geodesy by fibre-optic. Workshop "Seismo-geodesy and volcano-geodesy", GFZ, 15 June 2018.
Jousset P., 2018. On the border between geothermal and volcanology. Geophys. Colloquium ETH Zürich, 1st June 2018.
Jousset P., 2018. Research experiences in high enthalpy geothermal systems: Geophysical methods – Examples from Iceland. Workshop organized for the visit of a Philippines delegation at GFZ.
Jousset P., 2016. Montpellier RESIF
Jousset P., 2014. Hazard and Monitoring: Merapi 2010 eruption. GFZ workshop on volcano studies. 21 March 2014.
Jousset P., 2012. Evidences for remote triggering: examples from volcanic and sedimentary sites. USGS – Cascade Volcano Observatory, December 2012.
Jousset P., 2011.Eruption Centennale 2010 du volcan Merapi, Indonésie. Association Française pour la Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles, Journée thématique « Vigilance et Alerte », Paris, 10 March 2011.
Jousset P., 2010. Hengill geothermal volcanic complex illuminated by integrated geophysical observations. University of Chambéry, 1July 2010, Chambéry.
Jousset P., 2010. Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches – Observations géophysiques de l’effondrement de la cavité de Cerville-Buissoncourt – 18 March 2010 – Ecole des Mines de Paris.
Jousset P., 2009. Understanding source mechanisms of long-period seismic events: Various examples from after-mining, geothermics and volcanology, Singapore Earth Observatory of Singapore, 23 June 2010.
Jousset P., 2009. Long-period earthquakes in Bouillante geothermal system, Guadeloupe. Geological and Nuclear Sciences, July 2009, Taupo, New-Zealand.
Jousset P. and MIA-VITA team, 2008. MIAVITA: MItigate and Assess risk from Volcanic Impact on Terrain and human Activities. International Symposium on modeling of volcanic eruption and volcanic hazard. Bandung, Indonesia, 1-4 December 2008.
Jousset P., 2006. Broadband seismology in volcanology and geothermal domains: methodology, IPG Paris. April 2006.
Jousset P., 2005. Volcanic processes inferred from broadband seismograms, University J. Fourier, Grenoble, May 2005.
Jousset P., 2004. Volcanic risk assessment and geophysical information: examples from Indonesia, Japan and Montserrat. Geohazards 2004, Shizuoka, Japan, 4-9 December 2004.
Jousset P., 2004. Apport des observations microgravimétriques et sismologiques pour la compréhension des processus volcaniques à différentes échelles de temps. Seminar Université Blaise Pascal, 15 June 2004.
Jousset P., 2002. Insights in volcanic processes from the observation and modelling of low-frequency earthquakes. Seminar. The University of Leeds, 1 November 2002.
Jousset P., 2002. On the Nature of Low-Frequency Volcanic Earthquakes. European Project Meeting 'MULTIMO', Cambridge, February 2002.
Jousset P., Mori, H. and Okada H., 2001. Gravity and microgravity on volcanoes: example of Mount Merapi Indonesia. Réunion “Volcanism and Natural Hazards in the Indonesian Archipelago. Results and perspectives”, Clermont-Ferrand, 5-6 December 2001.
Jousset P., 2001. Insights in the physical behaviour of volcanoes from geophysical observations analysis. Liverpool University, June 2001.
Jousset P., 2001. Geophysical data analysis at Merapi, Usu and Komagatake volcanoes. Seminar, Leeds University, February 2001.
Jousset P., Thierry P. and Lambaré G., 2000. Reducing the acquisition footprints in 3D Migration/Inversion. Workshop “Pre-Stack Depth Imaging: Prospects and Challenges”, 28May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland.
Jousset P., 1997. Volcanological research in Japan. Journées Sciencescope (French Embassy, Tokyo, Japon).
Jousset P., 1997. My experience of research in Japan. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, Japan)
Beauducel F., Jousset P., Cornet F. et Diament M., 1997. Déformations et variations de pesanteur associées à l'évolution du dôme du Merapi entre 1993 et 1996 - Société Géologique de France. Dômes de lave: construction et destruction, Paris, March 1997.
Jousset P., 1997. Microgravity in volcanology: methodology and results at Usu. Aso Volcano Observatory (Japan)
Jousset P. et Diament M., 1996. Microgravity in volcanology: results at Merapi volcano. Univ. Darmstadt (Germany)
Jousset P., 1995 - Microgravity on Merapi volcano - MECAROC Seminar, IPGP.