Priv. Doz. Dr. Philipp Weis

Priv. Doz. Dr. Philipp Weis
Haus B, Raum 228 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

Mineral deposits, Geothermal energy, Magmatic-hydrothermal systems, Fluid-rock interaction, Multi-phase fluid flow modeling, Geochemical analyses, Rock mechanics, Physical oceanography and geodesy, Magmatic and metamorphic petrology and isotope geochemistry, Numerical methods, Scientific writing


  • since 4/2015: Senior scientist and group leader, GFZ Potsdam; Privatdozent at University of Potsdam and ETH Zurich
  • 2015: Venia Legendi, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2010 – 2015: Senior scientist, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich
  • 2007 – 2010: Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich
  • 2006: Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (equ. PhD), University of Hamburg, Germany
  • 2003 – 2006: Doctoral student at the Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg (Scholar of the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling)
  • 2001 – 2003: Scientific writer (freelancer and intern for Nature, Science, Die Welt,Spektrum der Wissenschaften and others)
  • 2000: Geologie-Diplom, University of Freiburg, Germany


Within the section, I am leading the subtopic Magmatic-hydrothermal processes within the topic Geofluids, material transport and element cycling of section 3.1 and the research group on numerical modelling of hydrothermal systems. Our research contributes mainly to Topic 8 (Georessources), where I contribute as Subtopic Speaker for Raw Materials (Subtopic 8.2).
I am involved in the DFG-Priority Program DOME as a committee member and in the research projects "Crossing the magmatic-hydrothermal interface within ore-forming systems with numerical models (CROWN)", "Melts-Fluids-Models: keys to understanding ore-forming processes at the world-class Neves Corvo massive sulphide deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt" and "Reactive Transport Modelling of Ore Formation in Sedimentary Basins" (list of all DOME-projects in our section). We also investigate the hydrogeology of superhot geothermal resources with numerical models.
The research group started as the Young Investigator group GRAMM, which was funded by the BMBF within the r4-programme and aims at quantifying ore-forming processes in magmatic-hydrothermal systems. I further participated in the StRATEGy graduate school, where we studied the role of magmas vs. hydrothermal fluids in metal transport and metallogenesis in the Cenozoic arc and back-arc magmatic province of the Central Andes, NW Argentina.

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