Dr. Emmanuel Guillerm

Dr. Emmanuel Guillerm
Haus C, Raum 320 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

Marie-Curie fellow (Postdoctoral researcher)

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:


  • Paleoclimate
  • limnology
  • evaporites
  • fluid inclusions


  • Lab work (Brillouin spectroscopy, LA-ICPMS, microthermometry, petrography)
  • Data analysis (Wolfram Language)
  • Numerical modelling (Wolfram Language, Fortran)

Softwares and codes:

  • Mathematica (data analysis, modelling, graphics, GIS, ...)
  • SIMSTRAT (physical limnology)
  • PHREEQC, PhreeScale (geochemical modelling)
  • HaliBubble (halite fluid inclusion modelling)


2022-Present  Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany.

                        Study: Temperature and hydroclimate changes in the southern Levant during the Holocene, using fluid inclusions in halite from ICDP core 5017-1.

                        Host: Pr. Achim Brauer.

2022-2024      Visiting scholar, Binghamton University, State University of New York, NY, USA.

                        Host: Distinguished Pr. Tim K. Lowenstein

2021-2022      Azrielipostdoctoral fellow, Leon Charney school of marine sciences, Dr. Moses Strauss department of geosciences, University of Haifa, Israel.

                        Study: Reconstruction of late Pleistocene lake levels of the Dead Sea.

                        Host: Dr. Nicolas WALDMANN

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2015-2019      PhD in Environmental Geosciences, University Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, France: Turning halite fluid inclusions into accurate paleothermometers with Brillouin spectroscopy: development of a new method and application to the Last Interglacial in the Dead Sea”. Supervision: Dr. Véronique GARDIEN (LGL-TPE, University Lyon 1), Pr. Frédéric CAUPIN (ILM, University Lyon 1).

   Diploma delivered 12/12/2019


2013-2014      Master of Science “Earth and Planets” at CRPG, Lorraine University, Nancy, France.

    Diploma delivered 25/11/2014


2011-2014     Geologist-Engineer school at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie (ENSG), Nancy, France.

                        Diploma delivered 07/10/2014

01/09/2009      Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles (« prep school ») “Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences”, Lycée Chateaubriand, Rennes


Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship CROSSROADS (Climate ReOrganizations at Synoptic Scale as Recorded in the Offshore Archives of the Dead Sea). During this project, I focus on the Holocene halite deposits of the deep -ICDP core 5017-1. Using Brillouin spectroscopy (University of Lyon), Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS, Binghamton University) and chemical modelling with Phreeqc, I reconstruct the chemical composition of halite fluid inclusions. Because halite precipitates when the lake is fully mixed, the composition of the fluid inclusions provides us with the average chemical composition of the lake. In turn, the magnesium concentration can be used to reconstruct the volume, and using the bathymetric curve the lake level, of the Dead Sea throughout the Holocene. Using Nucleation-Assisted Microthermometry (University of Bergen) and halite fluid inclusion modelling with HaliBubble, I reconstruct the temperature of the lake throughout the Holocene. I develop a thermal model of the Dead Sea in order to interpret these water temperatures in terms of air temperature. The final goal of the project is to obtain a Holocene timeseries of air temperature and lake level to investigate the synoptic-scale changes in atmospheric circulation.


  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship: CROSSROADS project, awarded in2021 (265,000 €)
  • Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship: awarded in 2021 (98,000 €)
  • Doctor with graduate school H2O'Lyon certification. H2O'Lyon aims to build a research school on Watershed Sciences. It is based on a resolutely interdisciplinary approach integrating Human and Social Sciences, Physical and Engineering Sciences, and Life Sciences to better understand all the issues related to their operation and mana
  • Best-poster laureate at biennial conference on magmatic and fluid inclusions, ECROFI 2017 23-29 June Nancy

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