PostMinQuake - lnduced earthquake and rock mass movements in coal post mining areas mechanisms, hazard and risk assessment

Time Frame: 01.07.2020 - 30.11.2023

Funding: EU

Principal Investigator: Dr. Simone Cesca

Personnel:  Prof. Torsten Dahm, Dr. Claus Milkereit, Dr. Philippe Jousset

Partner: GIG, Central Mining Institute (Poland) - Coordinator ,  INERIS (France)Silesian University of Technology (Poland) ,  Sp61ka Restrukturyzacji Kopaln SA (Poland),  Institute of Geonics Ostrava (Czech Republic) ,  Green Gas DPB, lnc. (Czech Republic),  DIAMO, s. p. (Czech Republic), Technische Hochschule Georg AgricolaBRGM (France) 

The management of the post mining regions in Europe is important issue for the safety and economic reasons. The PostMineQuake traits the most important hazard related to unexpected ground motion. Such phenomenon may affect the surface stability and vulnerable structures and critical infrastructures. The main objective of the project is to better understand the mechanisms of post-mining seismic events and discontinuous deformations, plans for long term monitoring of post mining Iands, shaking-maps of the fluid-induced seismicity of main European countries with coal. Mining legacy, transnational guidelines how to deal with and mitigate a hazard manifesting as seismic Vibrations in post mining regions.


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