Dr. Simone Cesca

Building H 7, Room 204 (Büro)
Helmholtzstraße 6/7
14467 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:


Research Interests:

  • Earthquake source seismology
  • Volcano seismology
  • Induced seismicity
  • Mining seismology
  • Waveform-based seismological techniques


Since 2015 Senior researcher at GFZ Potsdam

2010 - 2015 Junior Research Group Leader, BMBF/DFG Project MINE (MINing Environment: continuous monitoring and simultaneous inversion, BMBF/DFG “Geotechnologien” Programme) at University of Hamburg (2010-2012) and at GFZ Potsdam/University of Potsdam (2012-2015)

2007 - 2010 PostDoc, Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg, BMBF/DFG project RAPID
(Rapid Automated Determination of Seismic Source Parameters, BMBF/DFG “Geotechnologien” Programme)

2007 PostDoc, Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, DFG project KINHERD (Kinematic Source Pararameters)

2005-2006 PostDoc, Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg, SPICE (Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network) EU Marie Curie Research Training Network


2005 PhD in Geophysics, University Complutense Madrid (Spain) "Moment tensor inversion of shallow earthquakes at regional distances"

1998 Diploma in Physics, University of Milano (Italy)


Ongoing projects:

Constraints on Quaternary processes in the Eastern Alps from a new detailed image of seismicity (DFG SPP 4D-MB, 2020-2023)

EWRICA, Early-Warning and Rapid Impact Assessment with real-time GNSS in the Mediterranean (BMBF, 2020-2023)

PostMinQuake (EU Research Fund for Coal and Steal, 2020-2023)

DEEPEN, DErisking Exploration for geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments (BMWi/EU, 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023)

BESTcaFE, Budget of Earthquake, Strain, and Thermal CAmpi Flegrei Energy (INGV Dynamic Planet, 2020-2023)

Past projects:

From Top to Bottom: Seismicity, Motion Patterns & Stress Distribution in the Alpine Crust (DFG, Priority Programme Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions, 4D-MB; 2018-2021)

SECURE, Sustainable dEployment and Conservation of Underground Reservoirs and Environment (BMBF, FONA3-GEO:N; 2017-2020)

SHEER, SHale gas Exploration and Exploitation induced Risks (EU, H2020, LCE-16-2014; 2015-2018)

HISS, Hochauflösende Abbildung von Schwarm Systemen mittels Neuauswertung von Wellenformen mit Doppelte Differenz Methoden (DFG, Priority Programme SPP-1006; 2014-2018)

TecVolSA, Tectonics and Volcanoes in South America (Helmholtz Incubator Pilot Project, 2020-2023)


Junior Research Group MINE, MINing Environment: continuous monitoring and simultaneous inversion, BMBF/DFG “Geotechnologien” Programme, 2010-2015

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