Section 2.1: Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes

[Translate to English:] ERC RottnRock Logo


ROTTnROCK is a 6-year research project funded by the ERC (Synergy). The ROTTnROCK team studies hydrothermal alteration, which develops progressively and imperceptibly at a given volcano and may be responsible for unexpected volcanic hazards.

[Translate to English:] Seismische Stationen in der Eifel

Eifel: A large-N volcano seismology experiment

In order to better understand the magmatic system of the Eifel, an extensive seismological experiment was planned from September 2022. The measurements were completed at the beginning of September 2023. In the next phase, the data will be analysed. The results of the experiment will be made available once they have been analysed.

[Translate to English:] Impressionen von der 400 m tiefen Bohrung in Landwüst

icdp EGER

To study earthquake swarms, crustal fluid flow, mantle-derived CO2 and helium degassing, and processes of the deep biosphere, a new geodynamic multi-parameter in situ laboratory at depth is being established in the framework of the ICDP project “Drilling the Eger Rift”.

[Translate to English:] Logo TsunamiRisk

Tsunami Risk

Multi-risk assessment and cascading effects analysis conducted as part of a cooperation between Indonesia and Germany - Joint research on tsunamis induced by volcanoes and landslides.

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