ERC Synergy Project ROTTnROCK

Duration: 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2030
Funding: ERC Synergy Grant
Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas Walter (Coordination)
Cooperationen/Partner: Valentin Troll (Uppsala University, Sweden),  Prof. Michael Heap (Strasbourg Institute of Earth & Environment, France), Prof. Claire Harnett (University College Dublin, Irland)

Volcanic eruptions threaten more than 10% of the world's population. Scientists monitor volcanoes to discover and understand possible risks and to provide early warnings of eruptions. But despite technological and scientific breakthroughs, certain volcanoes continue to surprise us with sudden and powerful eruptions or catastrophic collapses. These unforeseeable occurrences harm people and damage infrastructure. Previous research has shown that a process called hydrothermal alteration, which changes the chemical and physical characteristics of rocks inside a volcano, can turn them rotten and unstable. However, scientists still don't understand how these "soft" volcanoes tend to have unexpected outbursts. This project intends to change our knowledge of hydrothermal alteration and its influence on volcanic risks by merging multiple scientific disciplines such as remote sensing, mineralogy, chemistry, rock mechanics, and modelling. This understanding could help us predict and mitigate the hazards of unexpected volcanic explosions, eventually averting many tragedies worldwide.


Specialised in volcano geophysics and remote sensing, Prof. Thomas Walter works at the Geo Research Center Potsdam. Prof. Valentin Troll conducts his research on natural resources and sustainable development at the Uppsala University. Professor and volcano expert Michael Heap is based at the Strasbourg Institute of Earth and Environment. Lastly, Prof. Claire Harnett’s research at the University College Dublin is focused on numerical modelling of volcanic environments.


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