NEWTON-g New Tools for Terrain Gravimetry

Time frame:  1 July 2018 – 30 November 2022

Funding:  EU, future emerging technologies (FET)

Principal Investigators:  Dr. Daniele Carbone, INGV  (Project Coordinator)

Personnel:  Dr. Eleonora Rivalta, Dr. Mehdi Nikkhoo

Cooperations/Partners:  INGV (Coordinator) , MUQUANS, UNIGLAS, KNMI, UNIGE

Project website:

Methods & Instruments:  Designing and manufacturing of new gravimeters, gravimetric network design and deployment of gravimeters to Mt Etna, modelling of gravity and deformation signatures of potential subsurface mass transport processes.

Publications: in preparation

NEWTON-g aims at developing a field-compatible gravity imager to constrain movements of subsurface fluids through collecting continuous images of the gravity field. This system will include an array of low-costs MEMS-based relative gravimeters anchored on an absolute quantum gravimeter. The adjustable positions of the gravimeters and the continuous logging of gravity data will shed light on the variations of subsurface fluid properties with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. The new gravity imager will be tested at Etna volcano (Italy), as it is an excellent natural laboratory due to frequent gravity fluctuations and the presence of a multi-parameter monitoring system. Insights from the new gravity imager will be used for volcanic hazards analysis and to demonstrate the importance of gravity to problems of societal relevance. A successful implementation of NEWTON-g will open new doors for geophysical exploration and will shift the focus of gravimeter manufacture from North America to Europe.

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