New Multi-Hazard and Multi-Risk Assessment Methods for Europe

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Jochen Zschau
Duration: 01.10.2010 to 31.09.2013

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Natural hazards and risks are often assessed individually by scientists, engineers and civil protection authorities. This is despite the fact that different hazards may display a causal relationship, e.g., earthquakes and volcanos, or floods and landslides. In order to consider multi-hazard and multi-risk situations, the New Multi-HAzard and MulTi-RIsK Assessment MethodS for Europe or MATRIX project (supported as part of the FP7 theme “New methodologies for multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment”) will tackle multiple natural hazards and risks within a common theoretical framework, covering the most important hazards that affect Europe (landslides, volcanos, tsunamis, wild fires, storms and fluvial and coastal flooding). The scientific work will cover single-type risk assessment, cascade effects within a multi-hazard environment, time-dependent vulnerability and decision making and support for multi-type hazard and risk mitigation and adaption. Three test sites are being used to assess the methods developed within the project (Naples, Cologne, and the French West Indies). In addition, a “virtual city” will be developed to examine other scenarios not covered by these test sites. The MATRIX consortium consists of ten research institutions (nine European and one Canadian) as well as end-user partners from industry and the European national platforms for disaster reduction.

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