DAM Extrem: MULTI-MAREX - Towards improved risk management in the area of marine extreme events and natural hazards

Duration: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
Funding: BMBF
Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas Walter,  Dr. Daniel Müller (Section 2.1); Andrey Babeyko (Section 2.5)
Cooperationen/Partner: GEOMAR (Coordination), FU Berlin, MARUM, MPI Tübingen, University Hamburg, Leibniz University Hannover, CAU Kiel
Projektwebseite:  https://www.geomar.de/multi-marex


In the DAM research mission “Towards improved risk management in the area of marine extreme events and natural hazards”, around 150 scientists from 29 partner organizations are researching how to deal with the interactions between short-term multiple and cascading extreme events and natural hazards as well as their long-term effects on marine ecosystems and social life on the coast.

MULTI-MAREX will establish a living lab for the investigation of marine geological extreme events and associated hazards in Greece. Extreme geomarine events, including earthquakes and volcanogenic or seismogenic tsunamis and their cascading events, have serious short- and long-term consequences for coastal communities. Early warning and disaster prevention pose both societal and political challenges, for which the joint project is developing the necessary knowledge to deal with these hazards at various levels.

We want to not only characterize geological processes such as seaquakes, volcanism, but also flank stability and tsunamis more clearly, but also ensure more effective early warning.

Through our research and our commitment to the transfer of knowledge and technology, we are making a significant contribution to preserving the function and protection of the ocean for future generations.

Our team contributes by analyzing hydrothermal activity and alteration at Santorini and Nisyros.

See also https://www.geomar.de/en/news/article/understanding-extreme-marine-events-and-natural-hazards-in-europe

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