Completed projects

This project aims at acquisition, processing and interdisciplinary analysis of high-quality geodetic and hydrological data

Joint research initiative between GFZ, German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany and AXA Global P&C.

In hydrological models, the complexity of hydrological systems is represented by simplified model structures. The differences between model structures, e.g. in the type and accuracy of process representation, lead to differences in model performance and could be explained by deficits in the representation of hydrological processes.

The overarching goal is to undertake a novel investigation of compound drought and hot event driver’s quantification, and prediction at various spatial and temporal scales by integrating statistical physics, wavelet analysis, complex networks and artificial intelligence-based machine learning.

CAOS - catchments as organised systems

The Future Danube model is a multi-hazard and risk model suite for the Danube region that is currently developed comprising of modules for

The H2020|Insurance project therefore aims to advance the use of the standardized risk calculation software

RIESGOS - Multi-risk analysis and information system components for the Andes region

The overall objective of the Catch-Mekong project is to provide innovative research and technologies for a sustainable and transboundary management of the natural water and land resources in the Mekong Delta.

Improvement of forecasting and management of hydrological extremes

Das Projekt H2020|Insurance hat das Ziel die Verbreitung eines neuen Standards zur Risikokalkulation zu unterstützen....

Towards SMART Monitoring and Inegrated Data Exploration of the Earth System - Implementing the Data Science Paradigm

Real Time Prediction of Pluvial Floods and Induced Water Contamination in Urban Areas

Changes in Glacier and Snow-melt runoff components in Central Asia and societal Vulnerability

Funded by Climate-KIC as a Pathfinder project (July 2015 – December 2016)

Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River

Large-Scale European Flooding under Climate Change: Meteorological and Hydrological Conditions Translated to Economic Loss (EuFloLoss)

WISDOM - Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta WISDOM

Sediment Export from large Semi-Arid Catchments: Measurement and Modelling

Natural hazards and especially floods have caused severe economic damages in Europe in the last few decades. Further increases in flood risk are expected due to the effects of climate change and ongoing socio-economic development in risk-prone areas.

Impacts of climate variability and land cover change on floods and low flows

MATRIX – New Multi-Hazard and Multi-Risk Assessment Methods for Europe

Potsdam Research Cluster for Georisk Analysis, Environmental Change and Sustainability Subproject A3: Extreme events in geological archives (PROGRESS)

The Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM), located at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and the Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam, is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to fundamental and applied research in the field of disaster management.

Within the scope of “rapid flood event analysis” a methodology for the near real time analysis of large scale flood events in Germany will be developed.

Information and Modelling Systems for Management of Large-scale Flood Events

Lessons Learned: Interdisciplinary survey of the Elbe flood

Disaster Information System for Large-Scale Flood Events using Earth Observation (DISFLOOD)

Time-variable Gravity and Surface Mass Processes: Validation, Processing and First Application of New Satellite Gravity Data

Quantification of near-surface processes to characterize changes in soil properties, erosion and the water balance

Vernetzungsplattform Naturkatastrophen (NaDiNe), inklusive Expertenteam Hochwasser

Methods and Tools for a cost efficient flood management – improved approaches for flood loss estimation

Costs of Natural Hazards Cost assessments of damages, prevention and responses to natural hazards supply crucial information to decision support and policy development in the fields of natural hazard management and climate change adaptation planning.

WISDOM - Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta WISDOM

BMBF-National Research Programme "Risk Management of Extreme Flood Events" (RIMAX) Floods - a Natural Hazard

Climate variability and El Nino Southern Oscillation: Implications for natural coastal resources and management

Improved Drought Early Warning and Forecasting to strengthen preparedness and adaptation to droughts in Africa

Water Availability in Central Asia – Societal Vulnerability to Changing Glacier and Snowmelt Runoff Contributions to Central Asian Rivers

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