
Cost assessments of damages, prevention and responses to natural hazards supply crucial information to decision support and policy development in the fields of natural hazard management and climate change adaptation planning. Significant diversity in methodological approaches taken and terminology used in costs assessments of different natural hazards and impacted sectors makes it difficult to establish comprehensive, robust and reliable cost figures, and to compare costs across hazards and impacted sectors. ConHaz will provide more insight into cost assessment methods, which is needed for integrated planning, budgeting and policy action prioritisation for the various natural hazards. In order to comprehensively capture this variability in cost assessment methods, ConHaz will assess current knowledge, including use of terminology, on calculation methods for individual cost types (such as direct damages to housing and indirect losses in the macro-economy) and consider these methods as they are used in the context of specific climate and hydro-meteorology related hazards. This comprehensive approach enables ConHaz to clearly identify overlaps, commonalities and knowledge gaps in cost assessments of natural hazards

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