
Natural Disasters networking plattform (NaDiNe) including the flood expert group

NaDiNe is the Natural Disasters Networking Platform of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. The mission of the platform is the bundling and linking of the existing scientific expertise within the Helmholtz Association in order to support actors in disaster management. Additionally, scientific results and information about ongoing natural hazards are made available for the press and the public.

Expert groups have been founded for many natural hazards to improve the interdisciplinary exchange and the transfer to practice. The flood expert group consists of scientists from the GFZ and the DLR. Hydrologists, which focus mainly on hydraulic modelling and flood loss estimation work together with meteorologists and experts in remote sensing to gain a comprehensive few of floods.

Particularly, the following products are being developed:  

  • Flood loss data base for Germany HOWAS 21 (implementation of results from the MEDIS Project
  • Web-bases survey of floods and their damage 
  • Web-based brochure for community information on flood precautionary measures (implementation of results from the MEDIS-Project
  • Automating of the flood loss estimation models FLEMO for residential buildings and companies (implementation of results from the MEDIS-Project


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