
Project SaferPlaces, or “Improved assessment of pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood hazards and risks in European cities as a mean to build safer and resilient communities”, is a three-year Climate-KIC Demonstrator Project. Having started in July 2018, the project will address the growing challenge of protecting cities against pluvial (rain-induced), fluvial (riverine) and coastal floods. It will employ innovative approaches to flood hazard and risk modelling and, in close co-operation with stakeholders, develop the most effective risk reduction solutions. The work will be carried out at three case studies located in Germany, Italy and Spain. SaferPlaces has eight project partners and is led by Dr. Stefano Bagli from GECOsistema srl.

Section 4.4 Hydrology of GFZ is primarily responsible for Work Package 3 dealing with flood loss modelling. Over the course of the project, a working group led by Dr. Kai Schröter will create and implement new flood vulnerability models that will allow detailed loss estimation for multiple flood types affecting both residential and commercial buildings. Those models will further enable testing flood prevention and mitigation measures for all case studies, so that the effectiveness of the various measures could be quantified in terms of money saved. The dissemination of the findings will be supported by a web service demonstrator. This project receives funding from Climate-KIC for task TC2018B_4.7.3-SAFERPL_P430-1A KAVA2 4.7.3. Climate-KIC is supported by the EIT, a body of the European Union

Projekt Website : SaferPlaces


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