Automated workflows for meshing of complex 3D geological models

This project is a collaboration between the GFZ (section 4.5 Subusrface Process Modelling) and the University of Milano Bicocca within the framework of an Erasmus+ Higher Education Learning Agreement for Traineeships. 

The traineeship will aim on advancing meshing workflows for complex 3D geological models. The activities will focus on integrating within the PZero environment (an open-source 3D geological modelling application developed at the University of Milano - Bicocca) the MeshIt open-source meshing software developed at GFZ Potsdam.

The two software, despite being developed under different computing language environments (C++ versus Python) share some commonalities in the specific libraries (both work on classes derived from the VTK library), which would ease their seamless interface. Their integration will allow completing an open-source workflow from input geological data to output forward simulations of different physical systems (e.g. geothermal or geomechanical applications).

Upon a successful integration of the two software, the workflow will be validatedagainst real case scenarios targeting applications as relevant for subsurface reservoir managment.

Erasmus+ Higher Education Learning Agreement for Traineeships funding programme


University of Milano Bicocca: Prof. Andrea Bistacchi 


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