Operational Data Centre (ODC)

With the setup of global and regional GNSS networks and the IGS Analysis Centre in the early 1990s, GFZ has been implemented an Operational Data Centre (ODC)” to handle the huge amount of data.

The ODC serves the preparation and quality management of all incoming GNSS observation data. The generated RINEX (Receiver Independent Exchange Format) files are distributed to global and regional data centres after they passed the quality check.

Beside the stations operated by GFZ, a majority of other projects is processed in our line; stations of the networks from IGS, SAPOS, IPOC, und GRUANto mention but a few.

Currently more than 1000 stations are processed at GFZ’s ODC in an automated way. They are used for the GNSS analysis within the scope of IGS, MGEX, TIGA, PBO and GRUAN. The total capacity of data is 50.000 files per day.

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