GNSS Station Network

Since the early 1990s, the GFZ has operated a global GNSS station network with currently about 70 stations for precise satellite clock & orbit determination, realization of the terrestrial reference frame, radio occultation measurements or studies on crust dynamics. A subset of these stations contributes also to the tracking networks of the International GNSS Service (IGS) and the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN). Other stations contribute to GFZ observatories (IPOC, DESERVE, TERENO), to the GPS Atmosphere Sounding Project (GASP), to WMO Global Climate Observing System Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) or other external cooperations. Within the ISDC we offer data of 51 GFZ GNSS stations. All GFZ stations follow the site guidelines of the International GNSS Service.

For more details please visit the Information System and Data Center


Ramatschi, M; Bradke, M; Nischan, T; Männel, B (2019): GNSS data of the global GFZ tracking network. V. 1. GFZ Data Services.

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