We operate 5 broadband stations on the island of Gran Canaria for two years (2009-2011). The goal of this project is to study the crustal and mantle structure beneath Gran Canaria island by receiver function method, in order to track the significance of the mantle plume and to infer the the interaction of the mantle plume with the crust and mantle lithosphere. This project is part of a long term research program in which the crustal and the mantle structure of the Canary Islands is been investigated.
Time frame
2009 - 2011
Principle Investigators
Dr. Benjamin Heit
Dr. Xiaohui Yuan
Carmen Matinez-Arevalo and Alicia Garcia (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain)
Flor de Lis Mancilla, Enrique Carmona, Javier Almendros (Instituto Andaluz de Geofisica, Granada University, Spain)
George Helffrich (University of Bristol)
Nieves Sanchez (Instituto Geologico y Minero de EspaƱa, Spain)