Dr. Xiaohui Yuan

Dr. Xiaohui Yuan
Building A 46, Room 102 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Staff scientist

Research Interests:

Study of seismic structure and dynamics of the crust and upper mantle by earthquake seismology.
Targeted tectonic regions include
- Oceanic subduction zone
- Continental collision zone
- Passive margin
- Mantle plume


2003–present: Staff scientist at GFZ
2000–2003: Postdoc at GFZ
1996–1999: PhD student at GFZ
1995: DAAD-Stipendiat at Universität Kiel/GFZ
1989–1994: Research assistant at Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing


1999: Ph.D., Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
1989: M.Sc., Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
1986: B.Sc., University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei


2018–2022: Unraveling the Dynamic Processes beneath the Northern Tibetan Plateau: Paleozoic Collision and Cenozoic Destruction of Mantle Lithosphere and Plateau Uplift (DFG), PI
2018–2020: Understanding subduction by linking surface exposures of subducted and exhumed crust to geophysical images of slabs (DFG SPP MB–4D), co-PI
2018–2020: CaTeNA – Climatic and Tectonic Natural Hazards in Central Asia (BMBF), co-PI
2015–2017: East Pamir Seismic Experiment (GFZ), PI
2014–2019: Assembly and breakup of Gondwana - seismological signatures in the lithosphere/asthenosphere system of Southern Madagascar (SELASOMA) (DFG), co-PI
2014–2016: Walvis Ridge Passive-Source Seismic Experiment – Seismic structures and seismotectonics in the passive continental margin of NW Namibia (WALPASS-II) (DFG SPP SAMPLE), PI
2012–2014: Tien Shan–Pamir Monitoring Program (TIPTIMON) (BMBF), co-PI
2010–2014: Geophysical and Geodetic Search for Transients in the Northern Chile Coupling Zone (DFG), co-PI
2010–2014: Walvis Ridge Passive-Source Seismic Experiment (WALPASS) (DFG SPP SAMPLE), PI
2010–2011: High Resolution Seismological Profiling across Sierra Nevada (HIRE) (GFZ), PI
2009–2011: Lithospheric Dynamics in the Southernmost Andean Plateau (DFG), co-PI
2008–2012: Tien Shan–Pamir Geodymanic Program (TIPAGE) (DFG), co-PI
2008–2011: Structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle in den ocean-continent transition from SS precursors (DFG Bündel SZGRF), PI
2007–2009: Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER) (EU), co-PI
2007–2009: Rapid automated determination of seismic source parameters (Geotechnologien), co-PI
2006–2011: Study of China lithosphere by receiver function and surface wave tomography (DFG), PI
2006–2008: Mapping the thickness of crust and lithosphere of South America (DFG), PI

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