Section 2.6: Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics


WSM - World Stress Map Project

The World Stress Map (WSM) is a global compilation of information on the crus-tal present-day stress field maintained since 2009 at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences in the Section 2.6 Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics. It is a collaborative project between aca-demia and industry that aims to characterize the crustal stress pattern and to understand the stress sources. The WSM commenced in 1986 as a project of the International Lithosphere Program (ILP) under the leadership of Mary-Lou Zoback. From 1995 to 2008 it was a project of the Heidelberg Academy of Sci-ences and Humanities headed by Karl Fuchs and Friedemann Wenzel. Since 2012 the WSM is a member of the ICSU World Data System. All stress infor-mation is analysed and compiled in a standardized format and quality-ranked for reliability and comparability on a global scale. The current new WSM data-base release 2016 contains 42,870 data records within the upper 40 km of the Earth’s crust.

The WSM is an open-access public database and is used by various academic and industrial institutions working in a wide range of Earth science disciplines such as geodynamics, hazard assessment, hydrocarbon exploitations and en-gineering.

More information you can get here.


The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue – Version 2021

EMEC-2021 is an extended version of “The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue (EMEC) for the last millennium” originally compiled by Grünthal and Wahlström, 2012, 2012a). The catalogue covers a region extending from the Azores (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) in the west until eastern Turkey and the Caucases in the east, and from  Africa north of the Sahara in the south to the Arctic Sea in the north. This areal coverage gave the catalogue its name: EMEC—The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue.

More information you can find here.


Web service to explore, select and test Ground-Shaking Intensity Models

eGSIM is a web application programming interface (API) implemented along the lines of popular seismological web services (e.g., FDSN), where users can perform queries in their code via configurable URLs in order to retrieve model predictions of ground motions from either observed or hypothetical earthquake scenarios.

More information you can find here.

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