MOMS-02 Design
MOMS, acronym for Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral/Stereo Scanner, is an Earth sensing CCD-instrument using the "pushbroom" scan principle. The newly designed sensor provides multispectral coverage in 4 wavebands including the visible and near-infrared range. It is also equipped with a three line along-track stereo device, recording for/aft and high resolution nadir panchromatic data.
MOMS-02, was developed by MBB, now Daimler Benz Aerospace (DASA), under contract to the German Space Agency (DARA) and the German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR). MOMS-02 has been designed under consulting of a scientific user group of different universities and research centers. MOMS-02 was financed by the German Federal Ministry for Education, Research and Technology (BMBF).
All spectral bands have been newly designed for optimized detection and differentiation of chlorophyll-bearing and Fe2+/3+ targets. The high-resolution nadir and the for/aft optics cover a panchromatic band-pass that is well balanced for an accentuated recording of vegetation in contrast to rocks and soils. The new arrangement of centers and widths of spectral and panchromatic bands is discussed in Kaufmann et. al. (1989) and Berger & Kaufmann (1995).
In the frame of the Russian PRIRODA/MIR mission, MOMS-2P data have been recorded in four different modes:

At an altitude of 380 km, data result in a GSD (ground sampling distance) of 5.6 m x 5.6 m for the HR-nadir band and 16.8 m x 16.8 m for the spectral and for/aft panchromatic bands. Main advanced performance capabilities of the MOMS-02 system are as follows:
- along-track three-fold stereo acquisition
- high resolution panchromatic capability
- narrow banded multispectral VIS/NIR design