Using daily high-resolution optical, SAR, and hyperspectral satellite data, this project aims to obtain precise and reliable data on large pieces of floating litter, regarding their quantity, trajectories and accumulation zones, material properties, floating depth, and sources. This information may serve as a basis for the recovery of floating litter, the elimination of its sources, and to prevent its dispersing.
The aim of SEVA was to develop a scalable exploration tool that supports users to conduct change detection based on optical Sentinel-2 satellite observations. Funded by: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Funding period: 01.11.2017 - 30.04.2020
ReMon aims at developing a prototypical monitoring system for mine tailings. The monitoring system will be a combination of software and hardware packages. Different sensors scaling from satellite- to drone-based will be integrated into a product primarily aiming at the mining sector.
Ocean Scan - Marine litter database from earth and space is a platform that brings together in-situ observations of marine plastic litter and archived remote sensing images into one searchable database ensuring a consistent data format and schema to fit the requirements of remote sensing users and machine learning algorithms.
Night Watch is a project funded through the European Space Agency's first "New Earth Observation Mission Ideas" (NEOMI) call. It aims to develop a concept for a future European satellite for remote sensing using nighttime lights.
Nachtlicht-BüHNE addresses Citizen Science in the context of the topic areas Astronomy, Space Research, Sustainability Science and Light Pollution. The general aim is the development of a co-design framework for App-based Citizen Science projects that brings together citizens and Helmholtz scientists for research purposes. The results of the project will be provided within a web platform, along with tools for supporting collaborative work of citizens and Helmholtz scientists.
Evaluation of the potential of multispectral point clouds and their acquisition with multispectral airborne laser scanners
Significant advances in Earth system understanding will only be achieved through better integration of data and knowledge from the different Earth science disciplines and earth compartments.Improvement in this field strongly depends on our capabilities of dealing with fast growing multi-parameter data and on our effort employing Data Science methods, adapting new algorithms and developing digital workflows tailored to specific scientific needs.With Digital Earth we will address these challenges within and between the Helmholtz partners. Funded by: Initiative and Networking Fund by Helmholtz Association Funding period: 01.06.2018 - 31.05.2021
AIHABs - AI-powered Forecast for Harmful Algal Blooms
The goal of this project to build on the comprehensive methodological competences already existing at DLR and GFZ with the goal of combining Big Data management of SAR data and novel machine learning algorithms for automatic flood mapping in near-real time.
The aim of the AgriFusion project is to generate yield potential maps by merging yield mapping, remote sensing data, digital relief analysis and management data.
By multi-temporal analysis of multispectral RapidEye data sets visible spectrally defined spatial units are distinguished within an agricultural field in stable soil pattern (due to differences in soil properties influenced) and temporary pattern (created by management, vegetation and weather). Identified patterns are analyzed with respect to their soil characteristics and assessed their spatial and temporal stability. The aim is to develop functional maps based on spatially and temporally stable soil patterns for a more economical and more sustainable land management. In order to cover the entire geomorphological, pedological and topographical range of the project area, on several reference areas in total 731 in-situ surface soil samples are taken and were analyzed in the laboratory with regard to their physiochemical soil properties.
The overall objective of this project is to develop methods to quantify Arctic biodiversity using multi-scale imaging spectroscopy and detailed in-situ biodiversity data.
Center for Disaster Management und Risk Reduction Technology
Desertification surveillance is required for making one-off and periodic assessments of desertification status, for forecasting possible trajectories (early warning), and for evaluating the performance of management programmes. However, assessment procedures have so far been largely empirical and focused on the symptoms of desertification (land degradation) rather than on the underlying human-environment interactions and processes.
The objective of ENAP project is the utilization of information that is provided by volunteers in social media (volunteered geographic information – VGI) for geoscientific questions. We develop novel methods in the two computer science fields of computer vision and visual analytics to find relevant VGI quickly and to assess their value in relation to other information. Funded by: German Research Foundation Funding period: 01.08.2016 - 31.10.2019
The aim of the remote sensing and geoinformatics section of the GFZ within the framework of ENSURE is to develop a multi-sensor system as well as a corresponding methodology for quantifying and characterising the environmental impact of plastic waste.
The project EORAP (Earth Observation for the retrieval of agronomical parameters) focusses since 2014 on the analysis of plant pattern / heterogeneities in agricultural crops. This can be based on temporary ( nutrients , disease , bad weather , among others ) and permanent ( soil type , relief , failure management ) causes and effects directly the local yield potential. The recognition and classification of plants occurring patterns can help to optimize fertilizers and farm management strategies of each crop adapted to the structures and thus contribute to sustainable and resource efficient management.
EUFAR works to coordinate the operation of instrumented aircraft and hyperspectral imaging sensors, exploiting the skills of experts in airborne measurements in the fields of environmental and geo-sciences, in order to provide researchers with the infrastructure best suited to their needs. EUFAR in FP7 joined with the HYRESSA (EU-FP6) hyperspectral community.
The FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) is one of the six missions selected by the ESA’s Programme Board for Earth Observation on 18-19 May 2007 to initiate phase-O assessment studies within the ESA Earth Explorer Programme.
The contribution of the Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics section of the GFZ within GeoArchives project is to study the states and responses and spatial scales of fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian sediment archives for landscape dynamic and evolution in the South African region based on hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing data.
The goal of the Big Data system GeoMultiSens is to enable scientists to study changes of the Earth’s surface on high-resolution scenes. Therefore we develop an integrated processing pipeline supporting the analysis of petabyte data. Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Funding period: 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2017
The project "Global Agricultural Monitoring. The German experiment "(GLAM. DE) is dedicated to the challenge of developing local, viable services in the agricultural sector.
Das GlobFluo Projekt (globale Bewertung der vegetationsbedingten Photosynthese durch die Fernerkundung von Chlorophyllfluoreszenz aus dem Weltraum) wird durch das Emmy Noether Programm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert. Das Ziel des Projekts ist es eine Nachwuchsforschergruppe aufzustellen, die den wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkt auf die Fernerkundung der Chlorophyllfluoreszenz (von solarer Strahlung induziert und von der Vegetation emittiert) aus dem Weltraum legt. Unsere Arbeit beinhaltet dabei den technischen Aspekt, d.h. die Ableitung der Chlorophyllfluoreszenz aus satellitengestützten Messungen, sowie die Auswertung und Interpretation der gewonnenen Daten in Bezug auf photosynthetische Prozesse auf der globalen Skala.
In the GTS² project, Sentinel-2 surface reflectance data is processed and provided to users via a simple to use web application programming interface (API). The GTS² project is developed in collaboration with AgriCircle, an agriculture start-up based in Switzerland. Our aim is to serve a variety of users and applications such as agricultural monitoring services or surveillance of hazards such as floods or landslides.
Model-Based Development of Technologies for Self-Organizing Decentralized Information Systems in Disaster Management
Helmholtz-CAS Joint Research Group: Space-borne Microwave Remote Sensing for Prevention and Forensic Analysis of Natural Hazards and Extreme Events
The HGF Alliance “Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics” aims at the development and evaluation of novel bio/geo-physical information products derived from data acquired by a new generation of remote sensing satellites; and their integration in Earth system models for improving understanding and modelling ability of global environmental processes and ecosystem change. The Earth system comprises a multitude of processes that are intimately meshed through complex interactions. In work package (WP) H7:”the use of hyperspectral optical and L-band radar data for retrieving surface soil moisture at the field scale” is investigated.
Continued growth of the world’s population, the resulting intensified exploitation of our planet and its resources, and the increasing susceptibility of society to natural disasters all call for sustained and internationally agreed activity to preserve our living environment. Earth is a dynamic planet subject to constant change caused by a variety of endogenous and exogenous forces and processes and characterized by interactions and exchanges among the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. In order to comprehend this space in which we live, we have to consider Earth as a system and analyze its functioning globally as well as regionally. It is also necessary to evaluate the effects of human activity and interference with the natural equilibria and processes of this highly complex system.
HYRESSA is a 2-year project investigating the user needs of the European hyperspectral remote sensing research community with respect to access to and accuracy, quality and conformity of hyperspectral images, especially with the advent of next-generation European hyperspectral sensors like ARES and APEX in 2007-2008.
iCUPE will improve our understanding of the pollution sources and sinks, environmental and anthropogenic changes and elements of the cryosphere in polar areas by conducting high-level and high impact research by analyzing these integrated data together with the modelling frameworks
LUCA - Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Human Welfare in Central Asia - is a postgraduate program for young scientists from Central Asia. Starting from 2010 it is building a platform for joint analysis of land use conditions in Central Asia in relation to causing factors involving participants from different countries of Central Asia and scientific partners in Germany.
With a combination of field, laboratory and remote sensing methods the following aspects will be examined: 1) input and transport of plastic debris by selected rivers, 2) distribution patterns in estuaries and adjacent coasts, 3) as well as distribution within the ocean gyres.
MASOMED aimed at mapping soil variability and quality related to crop stress and land management within rainfed crops of Mediterranean agroecosystems based on hyperspectral airborne imagery from the optical and thermal region (0.4-12 µm) and to test the transferability of the methods used to future hyperspectral space-borne sensors.
Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters for the monitoring of landscape water processes. Remote Sensing enables the detailed and laminar gathering of soil moisture in the upper soil layers. To estimate influence of varying soil moisture on the different remote sensing data the signals are modeled using complex 3D virtual canopies.
MOMS, acronym for Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral/Stereo Scanner, is an Earth sensing CCD-instrument using the "pushbroom" scan principle. The newly designed sensor provides multispectral coverage in 4 wavebands including the visible and near-infrared range. It is also equipped with a three line along-track stereo device, recording for/aft and high resolution nadir panchromatic data.
Natural Disasters Networking Platform within the Helmholtz Research Network "Integrated Earth Observing System" (Helmholtz EOS)
The detection of soil moisture from ENVISAT-ASAR data The project OPAQUE is aimed at the task to improve the operational flood forecast for small head catchment areas. While for large river basins the forecast of floods on the basis of models works well, a warning is often insufficient in the head catchments because of the direct reaction of the landscape to the higher quantities of water.
A national network of German companies and research institutes which aim to develop strategies and methods to monitor the contamination of surface waters with plastic debris.
Potsdam Research Cluster for Georisk Analysis, Environmental Change and Sustainability
In the frame of the REEMAP project a modular multi-sensor processing chain for modern imaging spectrometers shall be created that enables direct (using absorption features) or indirect (using mineral assemblages) spatially extensive, rapid and robust detection and semiquantification of Rare Earth Elements also by technical staff in order to fulfill the actual demand for cost-efficient, fast and reliable exploration and ressource potential assessment.
We provide game-changing, remote exploration which allows you to determine the resource potential in a focussed, precise and timely manner. By using available data from satellite systems utilizing automated patent registered processing routines, we provide high-performance, large spatial surface analysis for risk-reduced remote prospection.
The collaborative project aims at the utilization of global satellite and model data for regional water resources management and seasonal forecasts. Main target areas are dryland regions in Brazil, Iran and Sudan. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the frame of the research initiative Global Resource Water (GROW).
SEDMEDHY focuses on the detection of soil erosion processes by applying hyperspectral airborne and LIDAR remote sensing data within Mediterranean agricultural area of central Spain.
ESA is undertaking the development of the Sentinel-2, a super-spectral imaging mission for terrestrial applications. The mission is focusing on the continuity of LANDSAT and SPOT type measurements to provide operational information for the 'Global Monitoring of Environment and Security' (GMES).
The 3-year joint research project aims at observing and modelling water and suspended sediment transport processes and connectivity phenomena in two meso-scale dryland catchments in NE Spain and NE Brazil in order to enhance process understanding at spatial scales relevant for water and land management.
VisMaster - Mastering the Information Age, European Coordination Action Project in Visual Analytics