Organic carbon and iron biogeochemical coupling in polar peatlands

PI:Jeffrey Paulo Perez

Funding source: GFZ Discovery Fellowship

Collaborators: Christian Hallmann (GFZ), Kai Mangelsdorf (GFZ), Stefanie Pötz (GFZ), Liane G. Benning (GFZ), Sigurður R. Gíslason (University of Iceland)

Research theme: Climate and Landscape Evolution

Summary: This project will focus on developing a molecular-level biogeochemical organic carbon (OC)-iron (Fe) mineral interaction model, and to assess what controls carbon cycling in polar peatlands. By elucidating OC-Fe transformation pathways and mechanisms, it aims to quantify the fundamental processes that determine OC stabilization in these peatland reservoirs under future warming climate scenarios. This project will be conducted in Section 3.2 Organic Geochemistry and implemented jointly with Section 3.5 Interface Geochemistry.

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